View Full Version : Cancer Worry

12-01-10, 20:02
I haven't posted for a while but recently I have been worried about having a "womans cancer' I started my period last month on the 28th Dec for three days which was quite light for me and then started again on 4 Jan just a week after stopping from what I thought was my period. Had a smear a few weeks ago and that came back as normal - got the results today but why this bleeding???? I have been to the doctors and she thinks that I have miscarried as we are trying for our second child. I am due an ultra sound on my womb re this bleeding on 5 Feb but I still can't help but think that they have missed something and I really have cancer. I feel like I am going mad and I can tell that my husband is getting annoyed with me...
HELP HELP HELP I feel awful and worried constantly!