View Full Version : Here i go again..

10-01-10, 20:40
I have today been shovelling snow at the old folks home where my dad lives as the housing ass cant be bothered... i was doing it for about 3hours so i thought i would find out what the best thing for back and shoulder pain incase i ache..
well that was a big mistake as i have read it can be stressful on the heart..and as heart attacks are my bugbear. i am going have one or so my head is telling me! i am so fed up with thinking the worst all the time! i have tried all the positive thinking but i give up!

10-01-10, 20:53

The old google monster is a big nono hun!
Take no notice at all of what it said. Have a nice relaxing bath. You may ache a little bit, jings i know i would lol.
You are fine and so is your heart!
P.s well done in helping out! that's was very good of you :flowers:


10-01-10, 21:11
I agree with Lisa, nothing beats a nice warm relaxing bath to help those aching joints, use some radox as well if you have any and try lighting some candles around the bath as well.

10-01-10, 21:36
Don't forget exercise helps build a healthy strong heart x

10-01-10, 22:02
Yes, have a nice warm bath. And yes, exercise is great for your heart. You won't have done any damage. Relax in a nice hot bath and be proud of yourself, that was a really nice, caring thing you did.