View Full Version : Just been for Abdomen / Liver Ultrasound

08-01-10, 19:38

Just been for my ultrasound of the abdomen / liver.

When the person finished, he just said the results will go back to my doctor in 10 days and then I left.

Is this normal procedure as I was expecting to be told there and then if something was wrong?

He also spend a lot of time on the right side and very little on the left, is this where the liver organ is?


08-01-10, 19:40
Your liver is on the right

Yes it is usual for the results to go to the doctor

08-01-10, 20:10
hi, this is exactly what happened when i had the scan, i was a little worried that they spent so much time on that side as well, but apparently thats quite normal.
hope everythings ok for you

08-01-10, 20:39
Liver is on your right side.

And yes, this is typical, they are just the ultrasound person, your doctor has to review the results and then contact you.

Cell block H fan
08-01-10, 20:54

Just been for my ultrasound of the abdomen / liver.

When the person finished, he just said the results will go back to my doctor in 10 days and then I left.

Is this normal procedure as I was expecting to be told there and then if something was wrong?

He also spend a lot of time on the right side and very little on the left, is this where the liver organ is?


Yup, is on the right.
I dont know if the guy that does the ultrasound is all that medically trained to give a diagnosis, someone more qualified will study the scan results & let your doc know I think? Annoying having to wait though!

margaret jones
08-01-10, 21:58
Went with my hubby on mon 4th jan for abdo scan , liver is on right she showed me everything as she scanned it told us that results will go to consultant ,reported on then to GP approx 10 days usual procedure

08-01-10, 22:47
I just had a pelvic scan on Monday. I've got to be honest and say that they did tell me I had fibroids, but I think it very much depends on the person who carries out the procedure, without a doubt. I work in a hospital and I know that some people just aren't very communicative, and it leaves you wondering if everything was okay!! They forget that, yes, it's actually OUR bodies, thank you very much!! Yes, the fact they spent more time on the right sounds like they were looking at liver, pancreas, gallbladder,etc. :hugs: At this stage I honestly wouldn't read too much into this. It's probably all been normal! Let us know how you get on.

09-01-10, 00:26
I had a scan when i had a sharp pain in my right side (they were checking for gallstones but they checked my liver, kidneys, pancreas [i think] etc). The person doing it told me there and then that what they saw looked fine and then they sent the results to the docs. He then confirmed what they had said.

Did you not ask them outright? That's what i did. It's my typically Northern trait of being blunt and to the point! :blush:

09-01-10, 12:59
It seems that every hospital is different as to whether their ultrasound people tell you whats what. I have usually found that if they find something they tend to say something - when I had pelvic scan and I had a large ovarian cyst they told me I had a cyst - I then had to have mri to make sure it was just a harmless cyst which it was and it burst and went away a few months later BUT when I went for a follow up scan the radiographer took ages and kept going back and back over me saying nothing and I was laying their thinking the worst. I eventually asked if the cyst had got bigger and she looked surprised and said oh no its gone completely!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know whether to hit her or hug her:)

If anything nasty was found your Dr would be on the phone very quickly.

09-01-10, 16:10
Being honest I was worried to ask him because he was not pleasent with me at all and was not very communicative at all.

To start off he asked me why I went to the doctors in the first place, so I told him because of my bowel movements and my blood test results shown a slight raise in the liver.

Then halfway through the ultrasound he asked me if it was problems with my bowels and then I thought that I have just explained that to you then I started to panic a little bit that he found something and asked the question over it, very confussed.

I have the second part to get through next which is the flexible sigmoidoscopy on the 22nd Jan.