View Full Version : anyone else had this weird one!!!

wine lover
07-01-10, 13:19
For the past few weeks I've been experiencing what can best be described as cobwebs on the tip of my nose, or a feather being brushed against it. It sounds trivial but it is actually really annoying. Some days are worse than others, it's bad today but didn't feel it at all yesterday. Mentioned to the doctor but he said he had never heard of this before and that it would probably just go away. Not very comforting. Anyone shed any light?

07-01-10, 13:40
yes had this many times its anoying ,i think its nerve ends that are sensitive

Going home
07-01-10, 14:11
Yes same as gypsy, I get this also from time to time and its really irritating and you have to keep rubbing the end of your nose. I will add though that there might be a connection between alcohol and this sensation, as alcohol can affect the small capilliaries on and around your nose...and I love a glass of red wine...:)

GH xx

wine lover
07-01-10, 14:38
As it happens I did have wine last night. And yes, I keep rubbing it, which makes it become a bit sore. It sort of feels like it could be getting bigger at the tip! Heaven forbid, its really big enough. I must be getting a 'nose for wine'!!! as they say.

07-01-10, 18:28
I have had the cobweb feeling when I was stressed out and I also seem to remember one of the Claire Weekes books mentioning it, so don't worry it is fairly common.

07-01-10, 18:46
I have this weird sensation too....but mine is at the corner of my right eye sometimes at my temple too. I just seen the neuro today and he said its stress. So now I just have to believe him lol


07-01-10, 19:39

Yes iv had this to on my nose, but did not have any alcohol

love mandie

07-01-10, 19:51
I've had this too - feels like static electricity or as you say "cobwebs" on your face. It's strange because I was speaking to a medium once that said that this apparently happens when there's a "presence" around you! But as anyone that reads my posts will know, I'm a skeptical sort of guy and I'd go with the nerve/skin sensitivity theory for now!