View Full Version : Worried about spouse leaving me...

21-12-09, 15:25
I HATE this feeling - I am so worried that my spouse is going to get fed up with me and leave...I have shared these feelings with him, unfortuantely I still look for reassurance. Ir ealize thsi is something that I need to deal with...and I am workign on it. But, does anyone else feel this way either all the time or at times?? :unsure:

21-12-09, 17:23
Hello, I'm afraid I have no experience or advice to share with you, but I hope the situation resolves itself. Big hugs :hugs:

21-12-09, 18:41
I think this is insecurity. I've noticed that I've been feeling more insecure since the anxiety got bad again. I'm in a relationship but it's only been a few months and it's long distance. I do find myself irrationally worrying about all sorts of aspects of the relationship. I think with anxiety and all our other related problems, we do worry that it will become too much for those around us to deal with, and that they will abandon us. When you get these thoughts, tell yourself, "No, that's an irrational thought" and stop the thought process right there rather than dwelling on it further.

21-12-09, 19:02
Hi,, I suffer from this, I hate it when my partner is away, I cant eat, but i can now manage to make a cup of tea, I also have OCD. Whenever I feel bad I come on here, there is always someone in chat to distract your mind. I also find that distraction is the best way, it does help.

I hope you find my experience assuring and useful.


snippy,,,,,aka jools


21-12-09, 21:04
I am so glad to hear I am not the only one...you always feel like you are...

21-12-09, 21:19
I feel that way too.

21-12-09, 21:28
I can relate, although i dont get overly worried or anxious about it. My wife is extremely supportive of my health, so i'm very lucky there. However, i do worry sometimes that she will get fed up with it all. I know it's a strain on her as well and one of my main concerns is that i'm forcing her to look after me rather than the other way round - i would love to take care of her for a change.

I don't think you should worry too much about your partner leaving you - i hope he's supportive of you as well. If so and he does understand your problems, then his love for you should win through.

Try to show him in any way you can - in your limited ways - how you feel about him and he'll know that you care and it will re-assure your own mind that all is well.

Merry Christmas,
