View Full Version : how can i get over this

20-11-05, 20:50
I dont see how i can ever get over this.
I mean today for example, my cheekbones are really aching and feel like they are going to explode, the same for my stomach, i feel very edgy, i cannot seem to relax, when i am sat here on the pc, even though i am doing something all i feel is discomfort and lots and symptoms and that makes me think about my symptoms even more, and i cannot ignore them no matter how hard i try.
my head also feels like its aching and going to explode, i keep moving my legs alot and get up alot and wander around, i feel like something is stuck in my throat, no matter what i do i always feel the same, how can i not focus on my symptoms when i feel so ill.

20-11-05, 21:21

I'm not au fait with your life and interests, but I'm wondering if you could think of a project that you could undertake on a daily basis that will shift your focus away from your ailments.

Just before I got anxiety in December 2003, I started a daily photography project, and still maintain that as a daily 'ritual'. That has been good for me in many ways.

So maybe you can get your own challenge started - I don't mean photography necessarily, it can be anything you want. I suppose it could be a writing a story for example - you could do that every day and you could lose yourself in it in time.

What do you think?


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-11-05, 21:22

The best way not to focus on the anxiety is to keep busy,

By busy I don't mean sitting at a PC or watching the TV, I mean physically busy, DIY, Gardening, housework, playing with the children.

See lots of options there.

All the time you are sitting at the PC, you are thinking about your anxieties, if you are not thinking about them, then you wont feel anxious, then you wont feel ill.

It really is the only way.

Give it a try.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-11-05, 22:32
Yes I agree - get some hobbies, get back to work, stop sitting online all day and googling side effects.

You HAVE to help yourself and I am not sure that you are.


20-11-05, 22:45
distraction is the only way forward .....mazzx

everybody has to hurt sometime........

20-11-05, 23:18
Hi Andrew,

If you look back at any of my posts over the past year you'll see the mess that I was in. I know exactly how you feel when you say you feel "so ill".
Over the period of a year, I've almost gotton used to the fact that I 'can' feel bad and forced myself to concentrate on something else as others have mentioned here. For me it was a PC game that I forced myself to concentrate on, I started with 30 minute bouts and realised after those 30 minutes, I'd actually had a bit of relief. Doing this over a couple of months helped me start to feel a bit better, it has been a very slow process but things have carried on slowly getting better and I've been taking slightly bigger steps each time as I go. This is probably tedius reading and I would have probably thought the same back then but when you get on the right track, you really will start to feeling a bit better and as time goes on you'll be capable of doing more and more.

Hope this helps,


20-11-05, 23:19

I know its more difficult when you don't have a doctor you trust and therefore are not convinced of having been checked out thoroughly.

Having a known real concomitant illness like asthma also makes it more difficult and doesn't help but the clot worry has been with you for a very long time indeed now and indeed has been so long now on and off to make it nigh on impossible.

Your symptoms are classic anxiety ones and in absence of any other clinical presentation, no concerns from your doctor and coupled with your current home worries it does seem that you would be best served trying out your exercise idea and active relaxation and learning some coping techniques such as CBT and finding new focusses in your life to hold your attention.

Yes people with anxiety do get ill and do need to have medical checks for new or persistant issues but you do need to recognise that sometimes some greater degree of self help is more useful than it first seems

If you are really not happy with any doctor in your practice could you find a walk in clinic and be seen there with your shortness of breath and praps you can have an ECG and a chest xray there which may reassure you.

I'm sorry that you continue to struggle so much with this AD as I know it is very distressing and hope you find some comfort and reassurance soon.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-11-05, 08:12
all i can say Andrew from expierience is that you gotta try and train your mind not to keep thinking about these problems you think you have. If these symptoms do exsist your anxiety is magnifying them and they seem worse to you and the more you think that the more you will believe it.

21-11-05, 12:13
Hi im sorry to hear that you have to go through that.

I am going through the same thing and its so hard im off work sick and i dont like going out and feel like i will never get better but still i am going to try. i hope u start to feel better soon but if you want to send me a message u can just to let u know its not just u and maybe it will help you feel a bit better.

speak soon x