View Full Version : Right ankle/foot coldness

15-12-09, 23:23
This is a strange one and not sure if it's weather related, but over the last week now I am experiencing what I can only describe as a frozen ankle foot. It feels as if theirs a chill just on that part of the foot. The feeling sensation on the foot feels numb and tingly and the only way to get rid of it is to be in a warm enviroment! Now I've suffered many different symptoms with health anxiety over the years but this one's new!! My mind is already starting to question what it could be and it won't be long before it comes to silly conclusions!

16-12-09, 00:59
My feet are frozen most of the time. The doc says it's because in my constant state of anxiety my heart is diverting blood to essential areas.

16-12-09, 04:05
Well then we all are going to die.. We all have these symptoms and I have most of my life. In the summer time my hands have gotten so cold in the car I have even sit on them to get them warm..Its called poor circulation. Sometimes if your blood pressure is too low or you just aren't active enough your blood does flow slowly thus your body doesn't keep heat well.. also you aren't generating enough heat to keep it warm..

I assure you if you get up and get busy cleaning or doing something like mowing the lawn or gardening you won't be cold at all..I find I feel that cold icy feeling laying around working on the computer. I usually lay on my left side and all of sudden on my right side I start feeling cold and weird..Its because im laying on my left side and its warm and the outer leg is cold from exposure to colder temps making me feel weird and cold..

If you want cold come here to the Valley in Colorado..The normal day time temp in the winter is like 10 below zero.. and at night can go as low as 45 below. Everyday I have to go chip six to ten inches of ice out of a huge container for my dog and another for my horses..I then have to remove the ice and refill the container with water. After doing this even protected after about five minutes I can't feel my toes nor my fingers and when I come in its worse.. Lol.. So count your blessings as it being a normal part of living and not that you have frost bite lol.> Good luck and take care.. Michael

16-12-09, 15:14
Thanks for the replies. To tell you the truth I think it may be related to a back nerve problem I have.

17-12-09, 13:30
My feet are frozen most of the time. The doc says it's because in my constant state of anxiety my heart is diverting blood to essential areas.

Me too, first feet, then hands. It's usually one of the first signs that I'm stressed.