View Full Version : hypnosis cds

19-11-05, 13:50
Anyone recommend a self hypnosis cd.

19-11-05, 14:16
Absolutely can mate.

Try Glenn Harrold self hypnosis cd's (not at all scary) they are incredibly relaxing I now have about 6 or 7 of his cd's and can't recommend them highly enough.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-11-05, 15:48
I've been using a couple of CDs by Janet Decker that seem to be helpful - "Hypnosis to Help You Sleep Deeply" and "Hypnosis For Stress Reduction".

20-11-05, 09:36
Hi Luke

I have to agree with Piglet, Glenn Harold's CD on Complete Relaxation did the trick for me everytime when my anxiety was really acute.
I purchased it from Amazon.

Take care

Elaine x

24-06-09, 11:12
I have been listening to Glenn Harrold-Complete Relaxation for about a week now and I cant believe how good it works. Actually calms me down more than medications I have been on in the past, without making me feel half dead. I am actually now able to go out without perspiring uncontrollably when I am around people (and it is pretty warm at the moment). I also have OCD and it has calmed me down so much that I can sit down and read a book.

I am hoping the effects get stronger the more I listen to it as they are meant to. :) :) :) :) :)

anx mum
24-06-09, 11:49
Yeah i have 2 one called tranquility its so relaxing of sea music got it from dobbies garden centre and one called chill out heavens.

24-06-09, 21:40
I use Glenn Harrold.