View Full Version : ive been suffering anxiety attacts for a month

07-12-09, 11:09
ive had anxiety attacts now for almost a month do you know what helps it go away i mean if i dont think about it i dont have it !! help !!!!!!:weep:

07-12-09, 11:28
Hi sorry to know your having anxiety issiues. Have you spoken to your GP about this? If not it would be sensible to especially if you can't pinpoint any specific reason for getting overly anxious. Good luck and let us know how you got on etc. Toby

07-12-09, 11:57

Sorry you are suffering
You have sort of answered your own question
Distraction really works if you can find something to take your mind off of it
Listen to music, A hobby, reading in fact anything that works for you

Good luck xxx


07-12-09, 13:07
Sorry to hear that, Catherine. Been about 5 weeks for me too. Go and see your GP if you haven't been already, as a starting point. Anxiety can be beaten - it just sometimes takes a bit of time.