View Full Version : any one taking Lexapro /citalopram

04-12-09, 00:51
Hi there i didnt start taking this yet but wanted to know if anyone is taking it and if it helped. ive been having fast heartrate but i think im causing it to happen to myself. i was told to take half a pill to start. anyside effects and how did u feel when you take it. thanks for your help.

04-12-09, 03:19
I've been on Lexapro a little over 2 to 2 1/2 months now. I started off real slow on the pill. 1/4 of a 10 mg pill for 3 days, then 1/2 pill for 3, 3/4 of a pill for 3 then the whole 10 mg pill.

The only side effects I had at first was a little bit of a headache and some nausea. The headache went away quick. The nausea was on and off, so I just ate right after or while I took the pill.

It has helped alot. Before I took the pill my HA would give me the sweats, I could cry at the drop of a hat and would freak out to the point I couldn't relax at all. All that is gone. It didn't make all of my health anxieties go away but it made the freak outs go from a 10 to about a level 4. This and therapy has been helpful.

This has been my experience so far.