View Full Version : feel tierd all the time and like am living in a dream world

Rick Loader
30-11-09, 20:19
Hi all can anyone relate to this I constently feel tierd and like feelin like im in a dream constently :(

30-11-09, 20:19
Yep, sounds like classic anxiety - I've been feeling the same a lot over the past few weeks.

Rick Loader
30-11-09, 20:21
do you have any visual problems?

thanks for your reply :D

30-11-09, 22:15
Anxiety.. happens to most of us. Michael

30-11-09, 22:17
I have been feeling like this for nearly a week now, your not alone

30-11-09, 23:49
I feel like this and have visual problems. Sometimes its like a fog around the outsides of my eyes - peripheral vision is disturbed. Other times it's hard to focus at all until the anxiety eases.

01-12-09, 10:33
I get so tired... Alll the time... And sometimes my vision goes funny too... Like, unreality... Things sort of go out of focus and seem to be closer or further away... This usually happens though due to my medication being increased... I can't seem to get higher than 4mgs!! I only want to get to 5 so I can take the pills not the liquid!! Dammit! hahaha.