View Full Version : Dispersonalisation

07-11-09, 11:15
Hi Im really worried after coming accross some website last night which said if you have dispersonalisation that it can become permanent and make you go mad. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I am currently in the process of coming off citalopram and had a bad couple of days from withdraw I was just starting to feel better and then I came across this website and Im terrified now. :scared15:

07-11-09, 11:25
Hi Strawberry

Let that thought go, let it go, concentrate on the positive you are coming off meds... dont let that thought take hold just think you are strong, beautiful and you are gonna make it

Smile you are on your way :yahoo:

07-11-09, 12:24
Don't browse the internet and look up things, you will only frighten yourself and when you suffer with anxiety you don't need anything that'll unsettle you. Citalapram withdraw will pass, as does all withdrawals the body will soon return to normal. We don't need to add second fear to our problems and excite our nerves even more, stay calm and relaxed. Your meds should of increased your serotonin levels and made you feel more calmer, if not then you need to discuss this with your doctor. DON"T FRIGHTEN YOURSELF looking up websites and only watch/ read/ write positive things that can help you recover. All the best. Gaza

07-11-09, 14:52
This is an anxiety symptom and like all anxiety symptoms will eventually go. Please try not to worry about it too much and you'll be on the road to recovery:)