View Full Version : adrenaline

06-11-05, 20:14
i hate the adrealine rushes that i get ,, does anyone else suffer it drives me bonkers . i have gad but now on meds iam coping better . but every so often i go into overdrive like a mad woman .......like i wanna row and rush around .

06-11-05, 21:43
I think this is something that most of us experience Mazz. I know I do every morning anyway. Mine feels more like agitation (which apparently is how impatience is felt to a sensitized person) and I can't sit still for two minutes. The secret is to busy yourself really and just accept that it is exactly as you say - an adrenalin rush of no real signifance (Jesus Christ I'm even starting to sound like Claire Weekes - I really do need to invest in some new reading material!! LOL)


Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

07-11-05, 09:53
Hi Mazz,

This has improved loads for me since getting a little mini rebounder to jump on. I used to run up and down stairs before to use up the adrenaline.

Read the post 'Exercise and panic attacks' which sort of addresses this.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-06-13, 05:08

Read the post 'Exercise and panic attacks' which sort of addresses this.

Love Piglet:)


where do I find this post please Piglet? I am new here :)

Love Mamagee

NE21 worrier
03-06-13, 13:12

Sorry if this seems like a strange query but I am just wondering if there is anything which can be taken medically to help control the production of adrenaline in the body. Or whether it is simply a matter of accepting that this is part of anxiety?

It is just that often even when I am having a run of better days, I get feelings of euphoria - almost like the opposite to anxiety - but, as I understand it, this also seems to be the product of excess adrenaline. I'd prefer just to be more level-headed, to be honest.

Peter x