View Full Version : Female problem...not for virgin ears

25-10-09, 00:34
I am really pretty nervious about this one and can't find anyone that has had an issue like this. I have been getting this pain on my right side, it goes from around my right side to the front, right about where my ovary used to be. I had an eptopic pregnancy that burst, so my tube and ovary had to be removed. The thing about this pain is, I only feel it when I have an orgasim and it last only a few minutes...like maybe when the muscles tightens and relief when it relaxes?? It's not too terrible of a pain but is definatly there. I don't know if this is a cyst or scar tissue possibly...I just don't know. I am gonna go see my gyno but, I have to get the money together its 175 to see him.......which I am working on right now.

I was just wondering if anyone has expierenced anything like this before, it is really scary and I just don't wanna freak about it anymore:scared15: I was almost too scared to post this, afraid of what I might be told soooo...please be gentle..lol

25-10-09, 00:47
Hi there. I have not had this happen to me personally, but I can tell you that my sister had the same surgery for the same thing, and had a very similar issue with pain. It ended up being scar tissue. It is good that you are trying to recognize it as something logical. If it is bothersome (which since my sister had that pain and couldn't stand it after awhile), I would make an appointment with your doctor when you get the $$$ for peace of mind so they can check you out.

I hope that helps? I just saw this post and it reminded me of what my sister went through.

25-10-09, 02:21
Thank you so much for reply, it does help. I was wondering with your sister did she only get the pain when she ....well you know....."finished"......just curious. I posted this question on another forum and no one even replied......so I am really happy to hear that someone had similar issues...not that I want someone to have issues lol..but at this point I would have greatly appreciated just a few comforting words.

Again, thank you soooo much for your reply!!!

25-10-09, 02:55
Yes, she said it was only at the end, thats why she thought it had something to do with her surgery. She also had it when she was doing some yoga poses too. Not sure if that helps?

25-10-09, 03:04
Thank you sleepless.....has anyone every told you that your AWESOME! If you were here I would give you a big HUG!

25-10-09, 03:07
Eh, I wish I could take my own advice. I was telling someone last night about how blood clots show up on CT scans....and here I am tonight worrying about one myself.

Like everyone else here, I try to help where I can.:hugs: