View Full Version : help with panic

24-10-09, 10:29
:blush:Hi everyone im a 30 yr old female in need of help. i have suffered from anxiety for years, but it has alwys been manageable. 5 weeks ago i quit smoking and for the past 4 weeks the panic attacks i have had have been so scarey i have been 2 a&e twice. I have two sons a 10 yr old and 3 yr old it scares them so much but i have no control over myself and carnt seem to hide my panic away from them. a few days ago i went to gp who gave me meds but the sideeffects are unbelievable which caused me to panic before even trying them. too scared to take them they are locked away in a cupboard. i was thinking of trying st johns wort could anyone give me abit of advise just 2 have 1 day without panic would be great 4 me and my kids.
thank you all kerry x

24-10-09, 10:31
Hi kerrym

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-10-09, 11:05
Hi Kerry

Dont know what meds the dr gave you but there are sometimes side affects for a few days and if they are too bad there are severel types of meds.... st johns wart itself will take a few weeks to get in to the system.... i know how you feel as i have called an ambulance in the past but i am now just about fully recovered so i know you can and will beat this and you will get those panic free days

best wishes x

24-10-09, 11:24
Hi marc
thanks for the encouragement im new to the site and its nice to be able to talk 2 people who understand. Could i just ask how you managed to move on from anxiety. im glad to know it can be achieved did you do it mith meds or without?
kerry x

24-10-09, 11:59
Hi Kerry

Yes had to use meds... tried all the natural remedies.. St johns wart.. rescue remedy.. calms etc
Ended up on Cilitropram but side effects were not good so went to Fluoxatine whis i find much better... also scaned the net for all the self help information i could find which helped me understand the condition... had some CBT which helped but the most important advice i had was to accept the panics and not try and fight them... hard i know.. but when one comes on just try and let it happen and accept it for what it is a FALSE emotion.... also stay in the moment dont worry about tomorrow til it comes and only set yourself small goals ... baby steps.. one day at a time

hope that is of some help x

25-10-09, 01:11
Hi Kerry,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


25-10-09, 19:04
Hi Kerry,
I came on here today cos I'm finding my anxiety and panic attacks increasingly difficult to cope with and for a start it's just reasuring to see there are other people in exactly the same boat! Over the years I've tried lots of different meds but this time am trying to help myself. I'm keeping a food diary to see if any particular foods highten my anxiety (chocolate and junk food seam to be big culprets) and I read somewhere that exercise can help so I'm trying to do a little bit everyday. I went to my first yoga class yesterday and it was very relaxing. I hope you find something that works for you soon!!! C x

26-10-09, 09:49
Hi c

I have heard aswel that exercise is good for anxiety, but i just dont seem to have the energy to even consider it. i wake up everyday with a headache and with a pair of legs that feel like jelly and i just carnt seem to shake it. i really am to scared to take meds do you have any ideas have to get rid of this

26-10-09, 11:29
A nice brisk walk in the fresh air always works and the beauty of it is you can return home when you feel uncomfortable'

26-10-09, 20:01
Yeah I like walking the dogs and just doing as much or as little as I can manage. If I can't shake negative thoughts I listen to my i-pod while I'm walking and it distracts me and motivates me to walk. I don't know what to say about the fear of meds except maybe talking threw your fear with the doctor and sak to be started on a really low dose and build up gradually once you know your ok with them. i've just had a little search of the net and there are a lot of pages on 'armchair exercises'. Maybe it's something you could do while listening to some relaxing music or watching your favorite TV show. It hopefully wont take up too much energy and you can build up slowly x Claire