View Full Version : Pharmacophobe + HA

20-10-09, 22:55
Does anyone else have this issue? I just was prescribed antibiotics for a sinus infection, and an OTC nasal mist and I don't want to take any of it.

I am afraid of taking anything besides aspirin or ibuprofen. I had to take antibiotics for an infection in February and it gave me insane bathroom problems (going way too much). I had to take it again for dental surgery in August and I was fine.

I am worried that if I take the antibiotics and then I really don't have a sinus infection, and have swine flu, then it will be resistant to the antibiotics.

My sister was very ill before she died and took up to 40 pills a day, and some of them were taken to combat side effects of other drugs, and the antibiotics she took over time, she became resistant to like 75% of the most common antibiotics. Then when she became seriously ill, and had infections...she couldn't be helped by much because she had become resistant.

Someone tell me I am not nuts. I really need to take what my doctor told me but I know it is going to cause my anxiety to go through the roof.:wacko:

21-10-09, 00:04
I was the same way. Heck even now I hesitate taking tylenol at times but when it comes to my anxiety I will take the pills I have tried and trust. Nothing new. It is very hard for me to take anything that I have never had before. The fear of the unknown is there. Side effects etc. If you can handle the symptoms from the infection then dont bother with the OTC spray but please take the antibiotics. The problems from not taking them far outweigh the possible side effects etc. My husband had to have his sinuses drilled and drained from being too stubborn to see a doctor and the infection got out of control. The doctor and pharmacist prescribed it to you with knowing your symptoms and issue so please dont be afraid to take it. But you dont have to take the OTC unless you really want too.
I am so sorry to hear about your sister and I can see how that makes you more nervous in taking medications. I hope you feel better soon.