View Full Version : My 2 year old got a bad cough....

20-10-09, 18:25
As an example how the health of those around me cause my anxiety to go sky high. I am sitting hear and my little son is running around but yet coughing. I know its just a cough but after enduring my eldest sons bad asthma attacks as a baby I cant help feel anxious.

I feel tight chested and dizzy and worry always about those around me. I feel most of my anxiety is brought on by my love for my kids. I feel that the pain and anxiety children bring you is enormous and I have very little control of it.

Does anyone else share my feelings and do you get anxious when they suffer with a similar illness to one that caused you so much anxiety in the past?


20-10-09, 18:35
Hi Mee

I felt the same recently when my son had a bad cough. It got alot worse when he was jumping around on his trampoline and i had the same fears as you have. He did have a slight cold before hand and they do say the cough is always last to go.

I'm sure your son is just fine hun but i do understand where you are coming from.

Take care

sarah jayne
20-10-09, 18:44
My 3 year old has got a very bad cough at the moment. My 9 year old used to have asthma, she outgrew it a few years ago which was a big relief. Im going to leave it another couple of days and carry on giving him cough medicine and if it doesnt clear up im going to get him checked out by the doctor. Every mother worries about thier children ( well they should do anyway ! ) but i agree with you that when you suffer from anxiety it makes you worry alot more.
Sarah x

claire m
20-10-09, 20:21
i worry so much too. my kids are just getting over a cold and still have a nasty cough when they were coughing through the night it was like i was being zapped (which was probably adrenalin) it would jolt me awake.

20-10-09, 21:17
Thanx guys

I can just feel myself tightening up. Every time he coughs I feel worse. The worst thing is I feel like I need to remove myself from the situation but of course as a caring parent I cant. I know in myself he is OK I just feel full of dread. I know I wont be able to sleep tonight.

I agree Sarah most mothers do worry the problem is reverse here, I am the dad and mum is completely unaffected I am just a seething mess underneath. I would not tell her as what sort of a man would she think I am???

Thanks for the reasurrance.


20-10-09, 21:22
Oh i totally empathise with this.. Im fairly certain my anxiety started after having my kids .. they are our world and so its understandable that we worry so much.. its a horrible thing isnt it when our kids are ill.. makes you feel sick to the pit of your stomach. Your little boy sounds like a healthy little bundle of energy.. i have a 2 year old boy too who gets coughs colds all the time.. i hate it but he always bounces back.. he can get croup too which sounds like asthma but isnt.. cool air always helps so i often wrap him up and take him outside for a few mins.

Im sure your dr can check him for asthma if it would put your mind at rest.

Enjoy your gorgeous kids

Mand x

20-10-09, 21:24
p.s. Prop him up either on a pillow if he has one or put something under the top end of his mattress as it may well relieve the cough while he sleeps!!

: )

21-10-09, 00:16
Whenever one of my kids gets the stomach bug I panic. My 3 yr old spent days in the hospital and was even transported by ambulance to another hospital from being so sick from the bug. Seeing him so sick and helpless scared me majorly. This was in April. I am dreading this season again so badly. I even opted to not put him in preschool this year because I was soooo worried about the germs.