View Full Version : Feeling washed out

anx mum
14-10-09, 12:18
Really struggling at the moment on a daliy basis always feel rushed with boys. Work etc keeping house tidy just always on the go. My headaches r still there too my doctor has told me not 2 worry about them but i do worry as dont normally get headaches and not for this long. Just wish i felt normal.:weep:

14-10-09, 13:00
Hi Anx

I remember a previous post tou mentioned a lost filling
Did you see the dentist to se if your tooth was causing the headaches

14-10-09, 13:32
Hi Anx

I see you are getting those headaches still, by what you have just said in your post how you are feeling etc, I still believe this is tension and stress.
My dr put me on propranolol years ago for stress headaches, perhaps it's worth going to ask him about this.
Just a thought.
Hope you feel better soon:hugs:

14-10-09, 17:34
Hi Anx,
i posted earlier today about feeling very odd in myself today, and my worrying of this has brought on a nasty weird headache, its behind my right eye, into my eyebrow and across my forehead. Worrying does this and because you have had yours so long and have obviously been worried about it, it can and will prolong it.
I have had headaches that have lasted weeks so i can appreicate how you are feeling. Sorry this isnt much help, just wanted you to know u r not alone i suppose.
Take care


sarah jayne
14-10-09, 18:16
Hi, sorry to hear that your still feeling bad. Im still feeling crap aswell ! Ive still got my headache although its not as intense and ive been in lots of pain with my neck and chest cause ive had to stop all my medication due to the headaches. I feel like ive got no energy at all..
Hope your feeling better soon xxx