View Full Version : I'm stupid I know

10-10-09, 18:23
I went to see a gp yesterday with shooting pains in my head, she said it was neuralgia - and wanted to put me on de-convulsants. She then started going on about brain tumors, MS and asking lots of questions which scared me. I went to home to my mam (I'm in halls) and she said she thought it was sinusitis.. I phoned my home GP and the receptionist said it would benefit me to register with her again, as she knows me and my background well.. which I hope will happen, I could do with speaking to her. The sinusitis is really sore and I'm terrified, I read this puts you at an elevated risk of menigitis :weep: and I don't want that. I'm taking sudafed twice a day but no anti-biotics.. so I suppose the infection is still there. My ears are blocked as well and sore.. I'm scared, I don't want to go back to Halls tommorow, even though my old GP is meant to be giving me a ring on monday morning.. Please help, I'm so tired tonight. I hate the way I am, I wish I could change it :(

10-10-09, 18:27

The fact that you have pains in your head and blocked years would say to me that it was some kind of virus but i'm not a doc. I do however think the doctor you saw went O.T.T with scaremongering?
Why did he put you on anti-convusants? Do you have Epilepsy?


10-10-09, 18:29
No but she said it calms the nerve impulses in your brain, which gets rid of "neuralgia" or something.

10-10-09, 18:32

Inhaling steam is good for sinusitis, it loosens everything and helps to stop the pain. A couple of drops of menthol oil in the water helps. Also you could try putting menthol on a hankie beside you tonight and you'd be inhaling it whilst sleeping. Sinusitis can be really painful and make you feel rotten but it shouldn't last too long. Try not to worry too much about it - it's quite common and not life-threatening. I hope you feel better soon.

10-10-09, 18:35

I think your idea of visiting your home GP is a good idea. At least you will have a second opinion.

Please try not to worry as it is probably something simple and easily treated.

Take care hun

10-10-09, 18:57
Thanks both, I think I will try the steam thing - that works if you have a really hot shower doesnt it?

10-10-09, 21:39
OK had a hot shower, but am now sitting panicing I'm going to get meninigtis - and analysing every head pain I get, my temperature, whether my neck is stiff, I don't know how to cope anymore..

11-10-09, 18:25
What if the pains really are a brain tumour or ms? How will I know if i should be worried? Aargh.. Doctor is phoning in the morning seemingly, or the receptionist.. Head still sore, I think it's either sinuses or TMJ... :(

11-10-09, 18:29
I know someone that had a brain tumor and they had no pain. I also had a fractured skull once and didn't have any pain - strange as it seems. I wouldn't assume your headache is anything more than stress and anxiety - let the doctor diagnose. If the first GP thought it could be a tumor I'm sure they would have referred you to a specialist there and then.

11-10-09, 19:05
OK thanks, I'm trying hard to relax.. despite the near constant head and neck ache.. I know it could be related to stress, over use of my laptop, tense muscles, virus, whatever.. I'm trying to juggle uni, clogged ears, piles - sorry, threadworm - again, sorry, headaches, a new lifestyle from living in halls, and also being a young carer.. and I now have the additional anxiety of knwoing my old surgery are discussing my case and deciding whether I can remain with them even though I'm 10 miles out of catchment..Life is great eh :D lol trying very hard to be positive though!! xxx thanks eryone for advice xx

11-10-09, 20:54
I found going away to uni and living in halls incredibly stressful for the first couple of months. I was 18, dying to get out into the world and spread my wings away from my family and in a new town and for the most part, I did love it, but it was incredibly hard to adjust. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack for a couple of weeks at the beginning. (Of course I wasn't).

Uni is a dream for loads of us and we spend the preceeding years working so hard to get there and dreaming about what it's going to be like and like anything, it's never exactly what we imagine and we never thought it would be this tough! This is completely normal, what you're going through, no matter what a strong person you think you are (and you clearly are!) This is a HUGE thing you're going through and you're having a completely normal reaction to such a massive change in your life.

This is an exciting time in your life and once you have adjusted, you will love it, but it isn't automatic. See your GP at home, put your mind at rest and enjoy. You don't have a brain tumour, it's just a normal physical reaction to the massive change in your life xxxx

11-10-09, 21:00

I read your post and feel for you and wish you would get the support you deserve . it cannot be easy being away and feeling alone with illness . Try and go back to the GP and get help .
Thi:bighug1:nking of you

12-10-09, 18:01
the receptionist just rang back, my old GP can do nothing to help as I live outwith their catchment area.. I can't cope anymore, I feel very much alone right now, I phoned my mum and she is having problems with my sister - who beats her up - so they are at the social work office trying to put my sister in respite for tonight, she's severely autistic and angry because I'm not at home. I feel like this is all my fault, and I'm awful because I've left my mum to cope.. I don't know what to do, I'm getting no face to face support from anyone anymore. All I want to do now is drop out of uni and go home - to help my mum, and also to go see my old GP because noone is helping me anymore. :weep::weep: