View Full Version : In a real panic and don't know what to do!

08-10-09, 15:18
Hey guys,

Went to see my psychologist 2 days ago and she said she is going to start CBT with me next week. She said I have got mild signs of OCD mostly obsessive thoughts. Most recently-as from monday- I have had the total fear I may have sexually abused my brother. I suddenly had this thought I had abused my brother when we were playing when we were younger. We used to play mummies and daddies and have vague recollections of us (me. my younger sister and my younger brother) re-enacting sex basically one of us lying on top of one another and then one of us had a baby. I can't remember what age I was. I freaked out and asked my sister if she remembers anything about this and all she can remember was i was almost always the dad and never the "sex" part and I stopped playing with them at 11 (when I went to secondary school). She also said i never made her feel uncomfortable and she said as she studies physcology that if either her or my brother felt abused we wouldn't be as close as we are. That kind of comforted me but then I woke in a panic this morning that I sexually abused my brother seperatly. I have absolutely no memory of this and think this is just my anxiety/obsessive memory playing up. I texted my brother to ask if I had ever hurt him in the past and he said that I was the kindest sister and always protected him. However, I still have these horrible thoughts and don't know if I should ask him outright if I ever sexually abused him or just leave it. I have been so wound up have taken my dad's diazepam and have been thinking that i really can't take this anymore!!! I am meant to be going to Thailand in 3 weeks and all I can think is i don't deserve it.

Advice would be very much appreciated!


08-10-09, 16:38

you don't need to ask him, because he will say "of course not, you were the best sister in the world" but if you truly have OCD this won't make you feel better, because you will suddenly have thoughts like: "what if he just doesn't remember?" "what if he was too small when this happened?" "oh my god, what if I did something to him when he was a baby".

This is anxiety/OCD for you. You didn't abuse your brother. I know because I have been there, intrusive thoughts and "what ifs" are the story of my life. You need CBT and yes you need that holiday too. :hugs:

08-10-09, 18:22
This is a bit strange because I was just recently thinking and worrying about something similar and I was just thinking of it now before I read this. My brother and I also used to do similar things and for some reason I have started panicking especially after something I read about someone else that me and my brother actually had proper sex. I feel disgusting. I do not think we did and we were also acting out before we knew any better which still makes me feel sick but I can not stop worrying that we went further. it is gross. I also think I did this with other people and it was all my idea and i made them do things. I would not say anything to your brother as I think it will make you worry more. I am sure what your sister said is right.