View Full Version : really tired, heavy, achy legs and arms.

08-10-09, 11:59
Hi everyone,
I'm feeling unusually tired the last fews days, like i could curl up and sleep and sleep. Also my legs and arms feel really heavy and achy like i need to drag my legs to get them working. And I'm getting an annoying niggly headache that keeps coming and going, round the sides of my head and forehead.
I'm feeling pretty low and anxious alot at the moment. Does anybody else experiance these things when they are low etc, or could it be the start of flu or something??
Feeling quite sad about everything lately so everything probably seems alot worse than it actually is.
Debs x

08-10-09, 13:26
Hi again,
I'm really working myself up feeling like this now. I feel really strange with it now as if i might pass out or something. And i know this will sound weird but its the only way to describe it, but it feels like all the colour keeps draining out of my face, that i feel pale!!! I know like i said very weird!!! I am worrying i got something really wrong with me now.
Debs x

08-10-09, 13:40
sounds like your run down, if u feel tired maybe u should sleep? Maybe it's your body wanting to rest as you have been feeling anxious for the last few days?

Don't forget that a common symptom of anxiety is a feeling of coming down with flu, or so i've read anyway.