View Full Version : Haii :D

07-10-09, 15:05
hello, I'm Richard and I'm 20yr old, Been suffering panic attacks since I was 10 originally due to exam stress but now it has taken over to completely random things like just walking to University, but I am fighting back with the aid of books and just understanding what my body is going through has helped me understand how they work and their triggers.

Currently at University studying Graphic Design I am aiming to do a final year major project on Anxiety and Panic Attacks to get other people to understand what I/we go through.

Anyway yeah :¬)

07-10-09, 15:07
Hi Baish

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
07-10-09, 21:41
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us.


08-10-09, 10:47
:welcome: Richard

What a fantastic idea about you final year project :)

Good to hear that you are fighting through. I'm sure this forum will help

All the Best


08-10-09, 10:55
Hi Richard
Welcome on the forum.
It is great that you are trying to fight back by understanding I think that is the best way ,,if you still don't have you should buy clare weekes books I think they are the best around...they helped when I was working in London and the thought of getting on the tube was so scary that I would panick every day then I buoght Essential Help for your nerves and that helped me to get on the tube without feeling like I was going to die...I then lend the book to a friend and as it normally happens she never returned so I bought it again on the NMP shop..it is a brilliant book..
I am also starting a psychology course in November as I want to understand more about anxiety depressions ocd ect etc ..
Good luck to you
