View Full Version : Echoardiogram tomorrow!!

06-10-09, 17:38
Hi Guys

I posted about 2 weeks back now about the echocardiogram procedure i am having done. I am feeling very anxious now as its tomorrow that i am getting it done. Im just worried that they might find something wrong. What also worries me is that they said my results will not be given by the cardioligist on the day but i will get them the next time i see my doctor who reffered me. Will they let me know on the day if something bad is wrong??

Im just getting really nervous and would love to hear if anyone else has had this done?:)


06-10-09, 17:53
They didn't tell me the results on the day and in fact I never got to know them so I guess all was ok.

You will be fine - just covered in gel afterwards lol.

06-10-09, 18:03
You didnt even get results to say you were fine? that seems strange! Thank you for the reassurance nicola, it does help when people reassure you on this site. I dont like the sound of all this gel lol!


06-10-09, 18:21
Well I had had a heart attack so knew the doc would tell me if there was anything untoward on the scans other than what they expected.

It is a bit like have a scan for a baby so you get covered in that lovely gel they use.

I think it took about 20 minutes or more and the only time it hurt was when he pressed really hard on my chest but nothing major. My partner sat and watched it on the monitor but said it meant nothing to him as he had no idea what he was looking at. They kept the sound turned down but he did turn it up at one point so I could hear the blood pumping round. Quite fascinating really.

06-10-09, 18:50
Im sorry to hear that you have had a heart attack that is my worst fear! you can hear it on the screen? That on its own scares me. I really dont like the thought of being able to watch it and hear that really does scare me! I think i will just close my eyes and let my girlfriend watch im such a wuss.:) Again thank you for reassuring me.

06-10-09, 19:12
I couldn't see the screen as I was laid on my left hand side so facing away from the monitor. I asked them to turn the sound up cos I thought it would be interesting to hear it - you don't have to do that.

To be honest I only caught a glimpse of the monitor and it was impossible to see what was what on it. They know what to look for of course.

Let us know how it goes.

06-10-09, 22:12
Thats good i dont think i could watch! I will let you know how i get on.

06-10-09, 22:16
That is nothing compared to watching them insert a camera in your colon and watching that cos the montior is right in front of you :roflmao:

Good luck anyway

06-10-09, 22:20
That does not sound good and i prob wouldnt cope with that too well. Thanks for the support! :D

08-10-09, 17:08
And it wasnt as bad as i feared although i was very anxious when having it done as my heart was pounding away like a fast drum. The cardiac nurse even said to me was you anxious while you were waiting in the waiting room. Anyway it was much quicker than stated on the letter as it only took 5 minutes. I had to ask whether anything was wrong and she said that the results should be back with my doctor within 3 weeks but she did say if the cardioligist saw anything of concern that he would not be letting me home right now. I also asked her about the palpitations i have been getting and she said when you get them at rest they dont treat them as concern but they do check it out if you are getting them during exercise. Now i have just got to find a way to stop myself constantly thinking about my heart!!


08-10-09, 22:18
How did it go then?

08-10-09, 23:03
Hi Nicola

I posted a new thread called "had the echo done" its all in that


08-10-09, 23:22
sorry - i will go look

You keeping me on my toes lol

08-10-09, 23:24
Cool glad it went ok.

How was the gel lol and did you get to look at monitor?

09-10-09, 07:40
I am having one done on Monday afternoon. I went to the Doctor yesterday, for a check because I hadnt been in for a while and was telling him about my worry with chest pains. He said to put your mind at ease I will send you in for an Excercise Stress Test and Echo. I have had an Echo before which was clear. I have had a Coronary Angiography which was clear. I have had Chest Xrays, clear. Thrombophilic screen which was also clear, but never a Stress test. I know deep down that everything is ok, but I still worry. I didnt ask for the tests but as he offered I thought why not.

09-10-09, 18:42
I didnt watch the screen as i had to lay with my back to it but i did listen as he turned the sound on and it didnt makes me anxious listening to it but it was ok.

Rod i can fully understand your worries with your heart as i am the same but im sure everything will be fine because if your echo was fine then i would not worry and trust me i know thats easier said than done!!


12-10-09, 07:06
Had my echo today and it was fine. It took about 15 minutes and the gel was nice and warm. Then I had a ECG Stress test and lasted about 10 minutes on the treadmill till my legs got saw. I am not very fit at the moment. The doctor said it was perfect. I took my heart rate up to 172 beats per minute which was 97% of what I could of gone too. They said they could get a good enough reading from 85% but to keep going as long as I could. The old ticker didnt miss a beat, In fact the doctor said it was slightly improved from 2 years ago. Must be from quitting smoking. All up it was an hour for both tests including getting the results from the specialist. Now to convince my mind.:unsure:

12-10-09, 17:19
Thats great news now like you say you have to convince the mind that nothing is wrong. I know that it is hard as i have trouble with it too. Have you thought about cbt therapt?


12-10-09, 17:40
The person who carries out the echocardiogram might give you a wee idea how things are, it just depends who does it! Good luck. I hope all your worrying was for nothing and you can relax, it's the waiting, isn't it!

13-10-09, 02:33
I have had 6 sessions of CBT about 18 months ago. The doctor has suggested some more sessions which I may end up doing.