View Full Version : any words of wisdom or advice anyone? innoculation

05-10-09, 00:40
I suffer from anxiety which is sometimes hard to control, it often ends up controlling me... one of the main symptoms of this is that i always think there is something wrong with me or mine if we display even the slightest sign of illness eg... a random sneeze must mean severe flu, headache a brain tumor at the very least....and so on

Unfortunately part of this is that i cannot easily take medication of any sort as i am sure I am going to have a bad reaction to it and will definitely suffer from each and every side effect listed no matter how rare !!

now to get to the point.... my daughter is disabled and she is going to have respite in a live in care centre for a few days every couple of months and she is really looking forward to it, as she will be mixing with loads of service users and carers who may have various disabilities and as her immune system is compromised due to her disability it was advised that she had the flu jab and pneumonia jab.... well i could not expect her to have what i was not able to so i had the flu jab as well on thur, i had mine first telling her see it is fine mummy is ok (but inside i was a mess) i really do not know how i managed to let it be done without having a complete panic attack it was only the thought of her re-action that kept me from breaking down, and surprisingly enough:) apart from a sore arm where i had the actual needle i am ok ... I ACTUALLY survived....(though i am still waiting for the delayed side effects to kick in of course !!!) only thing is... this coming wednesday is the day for the pneumonia jab and i really do not know where i am going to draw the strength from to go through it all over again especially as i know there is a higher risk of severe side effects with the PPV vaccination(though they too are extremely rare and i have never had a reaction to any innoculation before!!!) ... than just the ordinary flu jab :-( and there is no two ways about it, we have to have it done for lisa's protection ..... urgh !!! i hate this bloomin HA !!!!!