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30-09-09, 15:16
Hello everyone

I'm a 30something male and my problem is in the last 12-18 months I've developed some chest pains. Whilst they're not too sore, I have been worried about them. I am overweight and have HBP and diabetis so I have risk factors for heart disease and I'm working on this (not too successfully so far!). I've been for treadmill and various tests and have been told there seems to be no heart problems, the doctors have suggested muscular or anxiety problems but nothing has shown up. Because the pain never goes away as such, this does make me worry.

I'm not generally a hypochondriac, but this has been getting me down.

Thanks for reading! :)


30-09-09, 16:12
:yesyes: Welcome to the group its a realy good place to share your fears and get support.:welcome: xxx

30-09-09, 16:15
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

30-09-09, 17:01
Welcome Dougie, you will get so much support her and you will realise almost immediately that you are not alone.
If you have had all the tests for any cardiac problem and been given the all clear, it is most probable that the pains are caused by anxiety and/or are muscular. The fact that they do not come and go with exercise and are not severe both suggest this. I suffer from muscular pains and imflammation of the ligaments around the sternum and also have meds for HPB and anxiety, so I know that it can be a bit scary. If Dr is convinced that it is not heart related, then please try to think positively about this. There are posts on here which explain how common chest discomfort is in anxiety. Good luck with the life style changes. I am sure you can do it!! Cheers

02-10-09, 14:18
Thanks so much everyone.

Yes Mhairi, positivity is the key.

Veronica H
02-10-09, 14:57
:welcome: Dougie. You will find comfort and support here.


02-10-09, 15:05
Hi Dougie,

My son also suffers from chest pains whenever he is anxious. They've been so bad at times that he also attended the hospital and all the tests were negative. I think it's reassuring for you that you've been told the tests were okay. I think is a vicious circle - you worry about the pains and this causes more pains and more anxiety! I hope you can relax a wee bit and then the pains will probably disappear. You'll get help and support from people on here who have suffered the same symptoms as you and it makes you feel that you're not alone.
Take care

03-10-09, 10:15
Thanks again everyone, I agree with all you say.

Mol, posture is a thing I think about, my job is rather sedentary (which doesn't help when trying to lose weight!) and sometimes it can seem that there is more pain when sitting a certain way. The problem is, I start to wonder if that in itself is all in my imagination to a certain extent. The thing for me is feeling there is real pain there but coming to terms with the fact I may be bringing it on myself. I'm sure that if I make the effort to lose weight, I will feel better.

Congratulations and good luck with the new baby BTW!

03-10-09, 15:17
Wish you all the best Dougie and glad that things are looking up for you. At least now you know you can come on here any time and have people to talk to.

05-10-09, 20:23
Great news Mol, the wee one will certainly keep you very busy!!!

I only wish there was a way tolower blood pressure with beer, irn bru and mars bars!!

07-10-09, 11:57
hi everyone < i'm new and a bit woried about this but here goes! In jan i found what i thought was a breast lump the G.p sent me to the breast clinic all found to be ok! The night b4 i think i had a panic type of attack couldn't breath ,pain in chest shakey,felt like my hands were puffy etc etc.
Now during the last 8 months have developed pain in my ribs had U/S bloods CXR all ok except 2raised blood results,ESR and Bilirubin.My Gp thought i had gall stones i don't! Not knowing what the problem is is hard I'm doing a lot of googling very bad idea it's all very negative.I feel so silly this is all made worse i think by the fact that i'm a nurse! When i'm in a good frame of mind i can rationalise all of this when i'm not (most of the time) i can onlt think the worst. Any ideas? :blush: