View Full Version : Hi everyone

29-09-09, 19:43
I have been reading this site for some time and it has been a massive help and comfort to me. I was a very level headed, confident and happy person until I suddenly started having a terrible feeling that something awful was going to happen when I reached age 15. It started very suddenly and completely ruined my life. I cried all the time out of fear and couldn't face going out or staying in alone, the anxiety was unbearable. I was put on 60mg of Seroxat and got a lot better. I am now 25 and cope with my disorder (when I get really bad I read what you all have to say - It helps me feel less crazy) I have got my medication down to 20mg of citalopram but sometimes it is a struggle. Recently I have started having bouts of depression, I'm not sure why.

My anxiety seems to centre around illness and death, my Dad was very ill when I was growing up but I'm not sure if this has had an impact on me. I have been to various psychologists and councillors but all have a different theory and none have been any help to me. I tried hypnosis but this made me worse. I can't say thanks enough for this website, reading this was the first time I felt people were going through the same as me.

30-09-09, 14:43
Hello Paperheart

I too am new and just wanted to say I am sorry you have had such a bad experience in the past.

I hope you find some support and peace from this site.

Just wanted to say hello.

30-09-09, 16:13
A Huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx