View Full Version : I'm so happy!!!

23-09-09, 19:21
Today started of pretty bad, had bad OCD like stuff going on and a few panic attacks. but at 4pm my mental health worker came over for her weekly visit and we got chatting and i told her how down i was feeling and moving house soon and was worried cos i hadn't been in a car for two years since id nearly had an accident and so she said well why don't we try it. And i did it!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I was so shocked, we sat in her car and she started it up and then drove us to the local park which has a cafe and we had coffee and came back again and i didn't have one panic attack! not a single one i can't put into words how it felt to just sit there enjoying a drink like everyone else! :D :D :D i didn't have a panic attack untill we got back and had been indoors for half an hour but it wasn't a bad one, quite mild really. This has given me such a boost i'm walking on air!!!! :D :D :D :D

I even was able to talk to the woman at the counter and order my own drink, and smile back at a guy who smiled at me without a panic rise!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I don't think anything could bing me down right now :D :D :D :D

23-09-09, 20:17
Well done PixieLthats brilliant news ..Its the best feeling in the world when you finally manage to overcome the fear isnt it ? You did real good .Keep up the good work Luv Sue xx:hugs:

23-09-09, 20:44
you have done so well. I think you deserve to be on a high

23-09-09, 22:04
wow you did amazing! well done aw I'm happy for you too :-)

23-09-09, 23:52
what a fabulous post !!! well done you x

24-09-09, 13:03
Thanks you guys :) i'm going to try to keep up the good work today!!! :)

Granny Primark
24-09-09, 21:21
I totally agree with mishel.
Its fantastic to read of stories like this.
Well done!!!!!
Hope things keep going well for you.

24-09-09, 21:34
fabulous... :yahoo:... keep up the momentum... well done xxxx P x

24-09-09, 21:49
Well done and thanks for posting your success.
love Mags xxxx

24-09-09, 22:31
well done you ,,i think youve done so well,,and should be so proud pf yourself,,xxxtheresa

25-09-09, 09:30
Congratulations! What a massive achievement! Keep it going. You've made a huge step forward. xx

26-09-09, 21:54
Thank's so much you guys :) i went out again today, this is the strangest thing my panic attacks have calmed right down, i don't know how to explain it, i'm not on meds or anything! Maybe its the thought o moving house soon, i'm really excited :D once again thank's for the msgs, if it wasn't for this site i don't think id be where i am now. So thanks all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx