View Full Version : Quit Smoking and feel awful!

22-09-09, 12:31
I quit smoking on Sunday evening after a 20 a day 14 year habit. Last night (Mon) I went to bed with the most bizarre feeling in my chest. It was like a pulse, not painful but like an extra giant heartbeat that I could feel down the centre of my chest. These increased to about 1 every minute to the point where I could feel them throughout my body. It was a little like a jolt almost like when your just nodding off and your whole body kind of jolts awake.

I was scared out of my wits and this induced my third ever panic attack which left me curled in a ball, freexing cold and shaking like a leaf until well into the early hours.

I have recently had (due to unexplained chest pains), Chest XRays, CT Scan and ECG's for unexplained chest pain which have all come back clear. Also full bloods also showed a clean bill of health. I am however, coughing up (apologies) a brown mucus with flecks in it, alot like I've coughed up before when I've quit smoking. However, when I last quit, the mucus was clear with flecks in.

I'm in a bit of a state about all this now and have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow but just wondered if anyone else could share similar experiences?

22-09-09, 13:32
Firstly well done on quitting!!!

Now as I smoke 30 a day Im not too sure Im worthy to reply to you lol

On the numerous times Ive tried to quit I coughed up allsorts!!! Its just your lungs getting rid on the congestion and quite normal!!!

I admire your willpower at doing it!!!

You will be fine:flowers:

Kaz x:hugs:

Cell block H fan
22-09-09, 14:17
I would say exactly the same as Kazzie. Word for word.
I expect its quite stressful on the body to start with when you stop smoking.
I tend to cough less when I stop. In fact, it stops almost completely the day ive stopped smoking. But I am plagued with a smokers cough all the time whilst I'm smoking. Always been that way for me. Not sure why.
As for the mucus thing, I was coughing up brown stuff with specks in when I was in my early 20's & the doc said thats smoking for ya! lol So you've probably been lucky its been clear before?
Well done on stopping though! I will be following you soon, I have a weeks paches lined up!
Just got to set a date. I hate stopping though. Managed 8 months before, then stupidly went back to it grrrrr.

22-09-09, 15:48

I quit smoking 4 years ago after a 20 a day habit i had for 20 years
the first few months i felt worse than hen i smoked but after that i felt a lot better, once the coughing stops (and it does) you will feel much better WELL DONE X

22-09-09, 16:13
Thank you so much for the support and encouraging words.

I've been in such a state worrying about the chest flutters and the horrid substance which was coming out!

I guess its all just part and parcel of quitting and hopefully the benefits will shine through sometime soon!!

Well done to everyone who's already quit and the very best of luck to thise of you yet to take the plunge.

I watched my beloved Grandad die a slow and painful death from lung cancer last year and I aint going out like that!

22-09-09, 20:43
well done keep it up im sure the brown stuff is ur body clearing itself out.

i have been thinking about giving up but i dont want patches im on between 15 and 20 aday.

can i just stop without the help i have the fear that something will happen and my body will go into shock

plus how do u control the cravings

Cell block H fan
22-09-09, 21:34
well done keep it up im sure the brown stuff is ur body clearing itself out.

i have been thinking about giving up but i dont want patches im on between 15 and 20 aday.

can i just stop without the help i have the fear that something will happen and my body will go into shock

plus how do u control the cravings

Why dont you want patches? They are brilliant. I stopped for 8 months after using those for 6 weeks. Although they give me vivid dreams & an aching arm for some reason. But the dreams are never bad lol

23-09-09, 10:13
I've quit with patches before but they gave me a deaad arm, nightmares and palps! :shrug: They did help with the cravings though.

This time I'm using gum which seems to be helping and when I get a craving, I surf the net, find forums where others are withdrawing from cigs and it gives so much inspiration.

I smoked 20 a day for 15 years and to be honest, although hard, its not impossible and easier than you might think. Your mind has to be determined though and if it is, you can do anything!! Go for it mumof31978:yahoo:

23-09-09, 10:28
The mucus you are coughing up is your lungs clearing all the yucky stuff from the cigarettes. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON STOPPING. Also you will be havin some withdrawal symptoms that will be provokin anxiety but really this is so worth it. I would love to stop and plan to soon. Keep it up and Well done dont worry its a great step for positive health. x

23-09-09, 12:58
i would rather not use anything as i dont like side effects of anything dont even take parcetmol.

i have tried to cut down which i can do but i want to stop all togther cost to much money and bad for my health.

tks for ur replys

24-09-09, 12:34
Hi girls

you wouldn't believe how common it is to have all sorts of coughs, chest symptoms and mucus after quitting smoking, everyone I have spoken to and quit smoking said the same thing! It is normal, it is just your lungs clearing and it is worth it!

Louise I think it is a great idea to join an online "quit smoking" community you can keep reading for support - well done!


25-01-14, 19:46
I've quit with patches before but they gave me a deaad arm, nightmares and palps! :shrug: They did help with the cravings though.

This time I'm using gum which seems to be helping and when I get a craving, I surf the net, find forums where others are withdrawing from cigs and it gives so much inspiration.

I smoked 20 a day for 15 years and to be honest, although hard, its not impossible and easier than you might think. Your mind has to be determined though and if it is, you can do anything!! Go for it mumof31978:yahoo: Yes, one should determine of quitting smoking. Its not that much tough how we think. Its so easy to stop smoking. I was also a smoker but i quit smoking about 3 years. Now i am much happier than before.

25-01-14, 20:09
[QUOTE=amu;555477]Hi girls

you wouldn't believe how common it is to have all sorts of coughs, chest symptoms and mucus after quitting smoking, everyone I have spoken to and quit smoking said the same thing! It is normal, it is just your lungs clearing and it is worth it!

Louise I think it is a great idea to join an online "quit smoking" community you can keep reading for support - well done!


I can see this is an old thread but ive quit smoking for the 3rd time im on day 4 and patches, managing cravings, not coughing up mucus yet but I have been having very strange chest sensations, hope it passes soon:mad:

26-01-14, 03:15
I also coughed for about a month after I stopped. I remember telling my sister I felt physically ill. Congratulations on quitting !