View Full Version : Hiya - I'm new here!

20-09-09, 11:47

Well, I guess from the topic of my post that you have guessed that I am new here!!! I met someone who is a member of NMP and said I should check it out, so here I am.

My name is Lima, I'm 26 years old, and currently live in the North-West of England. I am a qualified primary school teacher, but am not working at the moment because my mental health has deteriorated and is preventing me from working.

Ermmm, I never thought I would struggle to figure out what to say, but actually, I am finding this intro thing quite tricky!

I have a number of physical health problems, one of the most notable being that I have to use crutches to get around. I have lots of problems with my knees and have had several operations on my right knee in recent years. Just as I thought I was recovering from the problems with my right knee, and was managing to get around using only a walking stick instead of crutches, my left knee has now died on me!! I also have some other complex health issues, but I won't bore you with those! These can have quite an impact on my mental health, but are by no means my worst problems!!!

I have had mental health problems for as long as I can remember. I have not been diagnosed with anxiety and I don't have panic attacks, but I guess I would say that I am quite a nervous person. I have been diagnosed with depression and emotionally unstable personality disorder (a similar but updated version of borderline personality disorder - according to diagnostics). I struggle with severe insomnia - often going for days at a time without sleep - at one point reaching 11 days without any sleep at all. I also feel that I have a lot of the symptoms of PTSD, due to traumatic events in my past - but as yet, I have not actually been diagnosed with this. I self-injure in order to cope with my mental health difficulties, and have done for the last 18 years, and I am a moderator for an online self-injury support forum.

As for medication, I am currently taking lots of pain medications to help with my knee problems (Tramadol, Diclofenac, Codeine and Paracetamol). I also take anti-depressants (Dosulepin) and an anti-psychotic (Quetiapine/Seroquel). With all of these medications, I often feel like I rattle!

I have been seeing a counsellor once a week, since May 2008, who is absolutely fantastic. I don't think I could cope without her support. I also attend a local mental health self help support group. Through this support group, I will be starting the computerised CBT programme 'Beating the Blues' on Monday.

I think I have rambled on for quite long enough now!! I hope this wasn't too long an introduction!

I look forward to getting to know some of you better in time, although the vastness of the forum seems quite daunting to me at the moment. I really hope I will get to grips with it!

Lima x

20-09-09, 12:04
Hi Lima

Wow you have been through a lot
Im sure you will find lots of help and support here nas i have
welocme look forward to chatting x

20-09-09, 12:30
Hi honey x
Welcome aboard! Loadsa great advice and people on here you came to the right place! Youve had a rough time to say the least but the future is the impoertant bit not the past! Take care and enjoy the sunny sunday!!!
Paul x

20-09-09, 13:08
Hi Lima,

Wow you cope with a great deal. I am sure you will find help and support on this group.

Take care

Steve :)

sarah jayne
20-09-09, 13:24
Hi Lima, ive only been a member since last month and found it really usefull. Im sure you,ll find the help you need and also make some lovely friends on the way...x:welcome:

24-09-09, 17:26
Thanks to everyone who replied! I am finding the enormity of the forum a little daunting, and not quite sure what to say!!! I feel like a bit of a fraud, as I haven't experienced problematic anxiety (well, hmmm, maybe I have in certain situations, but not as a diagnosed problem) or panic.

Lima x

24-09-09, 18:38
Welcome Lima!

be sure to pop into the chatroom. will provide you with both light relief and also some comort in the knowedge that there are many in the same predicement


10-02-10, 14:17
I just wanted to say, that after having been here for a while now, I have been overwhelmingly surprised by the level of support that has been offered to me. I do not post that often on the forum as I never know quite where to start or what to say. There are soooo many sections and none of them seem to quite relate to me. I guess I'm just not anxious enough!!!

I am, however, a frequent visitor to the chatroom, which is a fabulous feature of this site. I am able to talk openly and freely with people who are sweet, sensitive and who understand where I am coming from . . . they also provide a laugh and a distraction whenever it's required!!

I guess I just wanted to repost here to say Thank You for the site, and for allowing me to be here.

Lima x

10-02-10, 21:54
LOL!!! Tetley, you made me smile :D! I've been a member for 5 months, and we've already chatted in the chat room!!!

Mr Parfect
10-02-10, 22:13
Welcome to NMP