View Full Version : hello! first time joining a forum. feels good to know i'm not crazy!

20-09-09, 06:41
hi all!
i can't explain how good to know they are so many ppl out there like me. i thought i was going crazy. i was reading through the anxiety and panic attack section and they were all too familiar.

i am 23 years old and never thought i would experience these symptoms.
i haven't suffered from any traumatic events, grew up in a normal
household, and thought i was worrying way tooo much. since i do not have health insurance there is no way for me to get a thorough check up. i have no family history of terminal illnesses. never had strep throat, broken any bones, stitches, etc.. so, saying that i would tell myself i was just imaging things and beat myself up for thinking i was gonna die.

the first time i had a anxiety attack was over a month ago when i hit my head on a rock that shook me up. I then proceeded to call a friend who is a nurse and told my parents that i needed to go to an emergency room. then to realize that this was all a panic attack.

then yesterday, i thought i had a swollen lump under my right jaw and thought i had some lymph node cancer and freaked out. i started to have another anxiety attack. i didn't say anything to my sister yesterday because i thought i could handle it mentally by myself. i ended talking to my mentor who calmed me down for the time being. [i read on this forum that thoughts lymph nodes scares are common.]

today i had the i can't swallow my food, dizziness, headache, body aches, neck pains, short of breath, thought i was going to have heart attack, loss of appetite, thought my lungs weren't functioning, trembling, trouble sleeping, thoughts of fainting, and blurry vision. it's the worst feeling to have and having ppl around u to stop this non sense makes it worse.

i can't say how incredibly relieved i was to read that these are very common amongst ppl who suffer from anxiety. also, to be in a community where i can relate and share these things.

i hope forum will help me cope with this and further prevent these attacks that nobody should suffer from! thanks! :flowers:

Veronica H
20-09-09, 09:34
:welcome: to NMP. I am glad that you have found us. There is so much information here. You will find comfort and support too.


20-09-09, 09:58
A huge warm welcome

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

20-09-09, 10:17
You will find lots of people and stories you can relate to
you are definately NOT alone

best wishes x

20-09-09, 10:31
welcome to this wonderful site. you will find loads of advice and support here.


20-09-09, 12:33
Hi honey!
Everybodies crazy just in different degrees! Welcome aboard its great here....
Take care
Paul x

20-09-09, 13:11
Welcome to the forum, you are not alone. There is a great deal of support, help and advice on here.

take care

Steve :)

21-09-09, 06:22
thanks for the welcome!

question- is it normal that after an anxiety attack to still be anxious and nervous? the first time i was ok but this time i'm haven't recovered so well.

i guess i still have much to learn after reading through the forum. i have health anxiety. and i do have couple of different factors including bad allergies, braces, lactose, and i can't drink anything caffeinated and those things often trigger my health anxiety.

21-09-09, 09:24
The duration can vary. The anxious and nervous feelings can hang around in varying degrees.
Its the secondary fear of the initial fear of the symtom that causes this.
For example you may feel a slight chest pain and before you know it you have added the secondary fear to it thinking you are having heart problems. It can escalate very quickly from here bringing on even more symptoms.
The sceret, if it is a secret is to try and not add the second fear. Easier said than done at times.