View Full Version : Hi everyone

19-09-09, 22:39

My name's Matt, and I've been a member here for a few weeks without posting anything. I'm 26, and for a long long time, certainly well over ten years, I've suffered from underlying anxiety, with occasional spikes of panic, which become more or less frequent depending on a number of factors.

This has caused me to leave various courses and universities in the past (three times now) because the panic gets so intense that I feel like I can't cope, and I have what feels like a breakdown, although probably isn't.

I'm about to go off to university again, to do a PhD, and since my last attempt, I've had some therapy and started a new (for me) medication, which seems to help. I'm hoping these will take the edge off, and allow me to settle.

However, I hate the feeling that I get when I'm anxious and panicking, that I'm the only person who feels like this, when I'm clearly not. I suppose I have a view that people who feel like this are generally strange or unusual, but from reading posts here, it's clear that all kinds of people sugger from anxiety and panic. I guess it's just that people generally don't talk publicly about it because it's seen as weak or weird in some way.

The worst symptom I get is sweating, which is exacerbated by my meds. I often have a dripping face, which I worry will look very strange, worsening my anxiety. I also get knots in my stomach and a racing, pounding heart (breathing fast is less common for me).

I'm hoping to meet some nice people on here, and perhaps some coping hints and tips too :)


19-09-09, 22:56
Hi Matt

Im sure you will find lots of help and advice here
know what you mean with the sweats, makes you self concious and so more anxious and so more sweats


19-09-09, 23:38
Hi Matt and welcome, i know what you mean with the sweats ,i get very sensitive to any heat and and like you i think my meds make it worse ,and before you know it my hair is soaking wet, and i have a hankie out trying to dry off, and i feel so embarassed and self conscious, i hate it.

I havent really found a way to help, although i do make sure i have plenty of hankies in my bag.

hope to speak with you again

best wishes

P x:flowers:

20-09-09, 10:10
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

20-09-09, 13:03
Hi Matt,

Welcome to this forum - I am a newbie as well.

I have managed to cope with anxiety and panic for many years but things can just start off a bad episode.

For me a good book on the subject, one by Claire Weekes is very good and I use it as my Bible. When you read it you see yourself in the book. I also think a meditation CD etc is good and try to do 30 minutes a day. It does work and brings down the anxiety, adrenaline levels and heart rate.

Take Care and i am sure you will find a great deal of help from this forum.

We are not alone

Steve :)

22-09-09, 10:32
:welcome: Matt

Anxiety can be a very lonely place. For me, I've tried to describe it as being stuck with a goldfish bowl over my head. In terms of feeling lonely, shouting out but no one hearing, and no one being able to look in and understand. :weep:

It's good that you have been having therpy, i hope that has gone well.

I'm sure you'll find this forum/site supportive.

All ther best:)
