View Full Version : Stuffy & stifled feeling

18-09-09, 12:10
Okay, next one.

Basically sometimes, like right now, I get a stuffy/stifled feeling. It's hard to describe but I find often when indoors, pretty much anywhere now, I feel the place is stuff and I find breathing occasionally makes me slightly queezy or dizzy.

I get it more breathing through my nose than mouth. Go outdoors into fresh air and I'm fine.

I'm finding my nose is blocked or runny more often recently yet don't seem to have a cold, fever or anything else, and it's been going on for months. I'm not sure if it's always been like that though just I've only recently noticed.

Guess I could have a general sinus issue. I could go back to the doctor yet again to discuss it but all I get now is "oh, it's just anxiety" or get treated for something else (e.g. nausea feelings got me on stuff for stomach acid/ulcers but I don't think that was the problem).

Oh, and I get it more after going out for exercise (e.g. riding my bike), but I wonder if it's because I'm going from outdoors to indoors.

Anyone else get this?

18-09-09, 12:29
Hi i have been feeling my nose is blocked and stuffy,running a steamy bath helps me.I dont have any fever or anything either and sometimes the breathing really upsets me,im going doctors although ill probely get it is your anxiety before i even get in the door.Go doctors get it checked,i think its sinus.I think weil live :) tc x

magpie girl
18-09-09, 13:12
hi ,i get sinus problems constantly and i always feel stuffy indoors like theres not enough air inside.As soon as im out doors i feel alot better.My gp now thinks it may be allergy related as i dont breath properly through my nose and when i try i go dizzy.Had antibiotics and other meds but nothing seems to work so now im on antihistamines,i will let u knowhow i get on