View Full Version : Feelings of terror

09-09-09, 13:06
Please can anyone give me any hints on how to cope with feelings of terror. For the past few days I've had it all day, not like a panic attack which happens and then subsides. This feeling is with me all day. Does anyone else get days like this? I can more or less cope with the phsical symptoms of panic but not the terror. I try and distract myself but it doesn't work. I've not had whole days of it before and I'm really scared.

09-09-09, 16:36
Hi, i,ve had days like that to. Its like i,m waiting for something to happen. I feel sick, i shake, all my senses are on high alert, i hear every tiny sound, i,m scared sometimes even to go to the loo in case something happens on the way. These days are very rare for me now, but 2 years ago i was like that everyday for 6 solid weeks. Then i used medication to get me through it but now i use homeopathic remedies and lots of distraction. I won,t let it get hold of me and ruin my life. But it is SO hard, you will get through it tho x x x

09-09-09, 16:52
Than you for your reply. May i ask what homeopathic remedies you use please?

10-09-09, 00:20
distraction and rescue remedy are my tools for times such as these :-) x

10-09-09, 07:14
I use Aconite 200. It is fantastic for taking the edge off, you can buy it via Helios on the internet, i also take Arsen alb for my anxiety stomach and thats really good to. I get the pillules that just dissolve under your tongue. I do see a fantastic Homeopath and she recommended these. Maybe you could find a Homepoath near you at least you know its all natural stuff your taking. Good luck x