View Full Version : Hello im new

08-09-09, 00:03
Hey guys im pretty much new here left a few posts already in the health anxiety part of the forums but thought id come on here and introduce myself properly.
Im Luke not long diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and suffer from health anxiety's and obsessions/delusions same thing i suppose.
Iv recently stopped working due to my condition getting bad enough to the point i had to spend sometime in hospital. Tried to go back to work but found the stigma of what i had made people act strangely around me.
The worst part I feel about my illness is the stigma people dont really understand and often assume im going to be violent because of storys they have read in the news about schizophrenics.
Im glad I joined this forum i have found quite a few answers already in the last fews day i have been here that my cpn and doctors dont answer or at least dont answer in a way that makes me feel better.
I often find its not what people say its how people say it that can make a huge difference in how one feels about certain anxiety's, in particular health worrys doctors tell me im physically fine but thats not enough I need to hear it in a certain way to believe it.
I dont leave the house anymore and I feel a little trapped so its nice to be able to come on and talk to people on here!
Anyway hope my post wasnt too boring and if anyone has any questions fel free to ask me.

08-09-09, 10:40
Hello there Luke,:)
Just read your post.
Isn't it awful the way the media portray schizophrenia? I wonder if we should lobby to make them stop doing it, after all we have laws about other types of stigmas...it really annoys me whenever I hear them at it!
This site is a god-send, I use it from time to time, just come back on here after being away for a while.
I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder and panic attacks, although, touch wood, the panic has subsided, just leaving me sleepless and a bit manic!! What fun and games we have eh? Ha!
It's a bonus to be online when we are housebound.
I hope you find the support you need on here,
love to you

08-09-09, 11:05
Thank you for the kind reply :)

08-09-09, 11:29
Hi Luke,

I think people react negatively to schizophrenia due to ignorance. Because some individuals with the condition have committed violent acts it does not mean everyone suffering with it is violent. I think people forget that you are a person to, with the same feelings and thoughts. You have an illness with which you have to live with and people should sympathize not marginalize you.

All the best


P.S. How's the groin strain? :D

08-09-09, 11:32
Exactly, and more people commit violent acts that dont suffer from the condition than those that do. I suffered at work due to stigma and peoples lack of knowledge about the subject. My boss at the time even called me up for a meeting and asked if I was suicidal or wanted to hurt anyone i was shocked, I really didnt know what to say

08-09-09, 12:53
welcome luke,,im sorry you have to come across small minded people,,like your boss,hopefully if you feel you can stay there,he might actually learn something,,which ive done every time ive come on this forum,,:hugs:

08-09-09, 13:09
Well iv got a few leaflets for him not been there for a couple of months now, im still technically employed there just not been for a while. I am considering going back though as months on the sofa are taking its toll

08-09-09, 15:50
Hi Luke,
i am appauled your boss spoke to you that way, i hope he never has to suffer in the same way, see how he would like it.
I hope whilst you are at home that you will come here and chat to us all, it's a great comfort for everyone and hopefuly in time when you feel stronger we can support you back to work, i know we don't have magical cures but we certainly have understanding and that alone can be great when you feel alone or misunderstood.
Take good care and it's lovely to meet you
Sharon :)

08-09-09, 16:03
Thanks Sharon thats a very kind message.
Been thinking all day today about going back to work, iv got someone coming to see me in a few weeks to talk to me about maybe doing some volunteer work to get me back into the swing of things slowly probably just working in a charity shop but its a start i suppose

08-09-09, 16:37
Hi Luke
i had to give up my job many many years ago whe i started with panic and anxiety, i was housebound for 2 years so going back to work was very frightening and was not an option for me so like you i thought about voluntry work, i can honestly say it was the best thing i ever did, i chose a local Age concern near my house where i could walk to easily and i also made sure that i told them all about my panic and anxiety so they understood, i told them not to be affraid to ask me anything they wanted to know and i would happily explain to them what panic and anxiety was, i ended up working there for 6 years 2 days a week, way more rewarding than any paid job.
I do now work full time again and although i like working and obviously i get paid i would much rather be doing vol work, sadly i can't afford to give up work but i am off sick at the mo with other issues, anyway what i am trying to say is if you choose the right place to volunteer it can be very beneficial and very rewarding to you and to them :) good luck it's nice to think that someone who has a problem always has the capcity to want to help someone else......how comendable.
Sharon :)

08-09-09, 16:37
Yh I think that lots of people do not understand mental health problems unless they have had them themselves:)

08-09-09, 16:41
Im considering going back into care work as I did that for six years and found it rewarding, recently I went for a job interview at a local care home but unfortunately they found out about my illness and were put off its all about the stigma again