View Full Version : cold sensation down right leg

miss motown
23-08-09, 12:28
hi everyone i wonder if anyone can help me with this symptom i was lying in bed last nite when all of a sudden my right leg became really cold i thought the covers had slipt off but they hadnt.well with in seconds i felt really strange dizzy and my heart seemed to be slowing down i then got missed beats and went into a panic i came down stairs but didnt feel right at all i managed to go back to bed but this morning my leg has not changed its really cold feels like cold running water im starting to panic as i remember a lady in work telling us about her husband complaining about the same symptom before he passed away aww i hate sundays when the docs arnt open and to top it all my husband has just gone away on a golfing trip so im home alone grrrrrrr:weep:

23-08-09, 14:29
im not sure what this is. i have in the past felt like cerain parts of my body were cold but they wernt when i got someone to feel it . I would just ring nhs direct 08454647 for a bit of reassurance after all thats what they get paid for