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Tired of worrying
17-08-09, 21:17
Hi everyone,

I have suffered from anxiety all my life (I am 42) but until now have never tried to deal with the problem either medically or by seeking the support of others. I feel it is now about time to do something about it.

I spend most of my waking hours in a state of tension and anxiety. I rarely feel relaxed. It is the very occassional spells when I do feel relaxed that tell me that the way I feel 99.9% of the time is wrong. I am fit and healthy with a wide range of interests but fail to enjoy most of what I do. I endure rather than enjoy.

A long battle with acne, which spilled over into my adult life did not help matters and I remain single and without the confidence to drive a car as I enter middle age. And yet I own by own house and have an OK job and feel if I can get to the bottom of my problem it may not be too late to achieve the life I want and to actually enjoy some of it.

Thank you for reading my intro. I am looking forward to joining in this forum to achieve some comfort and to hopefully offer the same to others.

17-08-09, 21:34
just wanted say hi and to welcome you:welcome: its never to late to tackle or change things in your life, this is is a great site for information and for giving and recieving support, i think you will get a lot from it.

Best wishes

P x

17-08-09, 21:50
Welcome Tired of Worrying

I am tired of worrying too, lol:blush:

If you suffer that much anxiety & tension, you do very well to hold down a job:yesyes: It's never too late for things to change, you never know what tomorrow will bring, that's the good thing about not being able to see into the future:winks:


18-08-09, 00:17
Hi there - great name - 'tired of worrying' - sums us all up!!!!! I am 41, married with 4 kids, drive and am a teacher and also suffer from anxiety & depression.
I am taking cipralex (since 14 Mar) and now am having more good days than bad - I didn't 'live' either - I existed!!! I have found that the meds plus the support here and from friends have all combined to help. We will get better and then you go for the life you want. Remember life begins at 40 so you're only 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care and good luck

Tired of worrying
20-08-09, 20:58
Thanks for the welcome and positive messages I have received. I am very grateful. I am confident that joining this forum will be a very rewarding experience.

20-08-09, 21:22
:welcome: I hope you find the help and support you need, this forum is really good. :)

Veronica H
21-08-09, 10:27
:welcome: to NMP. Many of us can identify with your post.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can't recommend this enough, as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Glad you have found us.


21-08-09, 12:36
Wanting do something about it is the right attitude hun,

fair play to you,

Take a moment to read this post i wrote sometime ago:


(left click on it)

Its my account of what works and what doesnt and if it saves you any time or stress then my work is done,

all the best,


21-08-09, 15:23
Hi, tired of worrying!! i'm also new to this site and already i am kicking myself for not looking it up before now. I believe that by joining the site we have all taken steps in the right direction to finding the much needed support, that can only be found from a fellow sufferer. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone, take care and keep smiling:D .

21-08-09, 16:32
welcome to the forum the people on here are lovely i hope we can all help you a great deal :)

Keep your chin up

Jade x

21-08-09, 19:39
Hi hun :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site

You have struggled for soo long hunny and alone too, NOW, you have made the step to help yourself this is good YES :yesyes: you will find, your not alone with what you are going through, everyone here knows what you are going through and they are such nice caring poeple, they will help and support you hunny.

Please take time to read through the site, read first steps how to cope, there is also lots of MORE great info on the left hand site and in all threads.