View Full Version : I'm Introducing Myself

15-08-09, 15:57
Hi everyone.

This is the first time that I have posted on any forum!

I am nearly fifty now (birthday a couple of weeks away) and I've had panic attacks and anxiety for twenty odd years. There are also elements of depression, OCD, low self esteem and phobia. The main treatment I have received is Seroxat (20mgs), which I have been taking for most of that time. Years ago I had some sesions with a counsellor and did a group course dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. Boty were helpful. I have seen a psychiatrist once.

The pattern of my condition until this year was that I experienced occasional anxiety, mainly related to my fears about change. Every couple of years I would have a huge panic attack. The result was that I would be off work for weeks or months.

This year I have had a number of panic attacks a few weeks apart. but managed to get back into work after a few days, and I have not been off work for about three months now. However, my recovery seems to be taking longer this time, and I wake up most mornings feeling anxious for no particular reason.

I have tried to come off Seroxat, and managed to reduce the dose a few times, but after a while the anxiety came back worse than before. I am worried that I have been taking it for so long, and I a convinced that it has caused weight gain, feeling too hot and sweating. Also, a "flattening" of mood. My GP doesn't appear to believe that being on Seroxat for such a long time is a problem

I am very lucky to have a very supportive family, particularly my wife, and I try and concentrate on the positive things in my life, but it can be hard to sometimes.

Earlier this year I found out about CBT, and I having a course of that at the moment. I think that it is helpful, but it is harder to put into m[practice when you are feeling very anxious.

Thanks for reading this.

freudian nightmare
15-08-09, 17:13
Hello pip,
welcome to the site, i'm sure you'll find the help and support you need here. Best wishes xx

Veronica H
15-08-09, 18:30
:welcome: Pip. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


16-08-09, 00:40
Welcome to NMP - you'll get lots of advice & support here. Everyone really understands and dosen't judge you at all.
Take care

16-08-09, 09:31
Thanks for your kind thoughts.:)

17-08-09, 08:16

NMP has helped me more than anything or anyone. You will find support here and help beyond what any doctor or therapist can give you .You are not alone and you are among friends here. Welcome to NMP and I think it will help you to be be here. Michael

17-08-09, 10:05
Hi Pip,
Having suffered panic attacks for nearly as long i know where you are coming from. I was on seroxat for about 4 yrs but came off it about 6yrs ago ...withdrawal i done real slow ..took over a yr and was really horrendeous with every step...Some people have alot of withdrawal probs with AD's some have very little or none ..Some find it easier to switch to another drug or stay on for good its a very individual thing...just bear in mind that what you are experiencing may not be your anxiety/panic returning it could be the withdrawal from the drug causing the trouble ...your system has been used to having this drug for a long time it could take a while to adjust without ...so hang in there!Good luck Jodiex

magpie girl
17-08-09, 16:00
hi pip welcome to the forum

18-08-09, 20:35
Thanks looking4answers, Panikki and magpie girl. :)

I think I need to reduce the dose more gradually and over a longer time.
