View Full Version : For all mankind!

13-08-09, 17:14
Hi all, I didn't really know where else to post this so I put it where most people will see it :whistles:

Following my experiences with anxiety and depression, and the incredible journey I have been on since I joined No More Panic, I have decided to look into a career in mental health.

I am considering the options of becoming a counsellor or support worker for people who are suffering from anxiety, panic, depression, ocd and/or bipolar disorder. In the meantime I offer whatever comfort and support I can give to those who need it.

Helping people makes me feel that my life is worthwhile. Someone has to hold the human race together while it rushes towards whatever future lays in front of it.

I believe that the cure for anxiety and depression is already with us. Someone has got to lead the fight back against these conditions, so I guess that person might as well be me.

The resistance is here!

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q255/nopoet406/ARM02.jpg (http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q255/nopoet406/ARM02.jpg)

13-08-09, 17:41
I thought about doing the same thing. I did a open university course called an introduction to counselling. Which was really good. Then I spoke to a careers person. After abit of consideration, I realised I wasn't cut out to do the job. Whilst it's great to help people you really do have to give up your life to do it. I also found out that many counsellors that have had mental health problems tend to relaspe or become very depressed due to coping with their own and other peoples problems.

Im not trying to put you off or anything, just thought I'd share what I had learnt, and deffinatly go and look at that course with the open uni, it's a short one, only three months, and i found it to be very enlightening.

Take care

Prue x

13-08-09, 18:36

I think you would be ideal - in my experience, people who have come through this themselves make the best counsellors as they really understand - go for it. Still listening to the Paul Mc Kenna CD you recommended and so glad you told me about it,

Thanks Chantelle

13-08-09, 18:55
id say go for it,,,you never know some of us could be coming to you for help,,,you poor thing:D

13-08-09, 23:15
Senor Poet,

Absolutely. If you feel you can cope with the mind blowing of others, then perfect! I'd love to do something like that also, but i'd worry about relapsing, etc.

I'm destined to help others, but my destiny lies on a different plane.

I hope you consider giving your counselling for free!

13-08-09, 23:29
Hi mate
I did the same and worked as a support worker for quite a few years in various places including a secure unit for schizophrenia! Was my absolute interest in wanting to know as much about mental illness as possible to help me understand what was going on with me. It was a great experience i learnt tons and found i was good at it having been there myself! Indeed i found quite a few others doing the same thing and found many of the nurses etc who had been down this road appeared to be the best at the job and certainly the most understanding. Go for it mate it for me was very interesting and theraputic i often think of going back...

14-08-09, 00:37
Hey PP !
You have no idea how much you've already helped me in dealing with my mental health issues ! You've given me comfort and solace when nothing else has- I am in Canada and your ability to help people heal is evident here!

14-08-09, 00:53
Bloody hell I'm famous :blush: lol!

Thank you for the encouragement everyone. It has made me quite emotional :happy: :weep:

If I ever do receive any training I will offer what I can to the people of NMP for free.

If you trust me to lead you out of hell, I will lead you out of hell.

The resistance is here!

14-08-09, 15:50
Wishing you all the luck in the world - go for it!!!

Carla louise
14-08-09, 22:19
Can I just second Bluebelle, the contributions you make to this forum are magnificant and I think this would be a good career move for you, you have what it takes-GO FOR IT X

14-08-09, 23:33

Thank you :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush: