View Full Version : IBS?

12-08-09, 17:01
I know this comes up alot but i need to calm myself down.

just wondering if this is classic symptoms of IBS?

* Diahorrea 1st thing in the morning
* need to go about 4 times a day
* usually watery
* alot of undigested food in stools too
* no blood
* sometimes pass white mucas
* not much stomach pain
* no weight loss
* seems not to bother me when i am active and playing football
* definatly brought on by nerves, but still need to go 1st thing in the morning when i dont feel nervous.

I suffer with health anxiety and this is constantly on my mind, i havent seen a doctor about it as im scared to do so. Im a 25 year old male, with no previous health problems, and currently feel pretty fit, and play football about 5 times a week.

I am trying things like online CBT and am waiting to see my counsellor, but cannot seem to get my mind away from this. can anyone help please?

12-08-09, 17:07
This does sound like IBS I suffer with it and get terrible bloating also. It would be good to see a Dr though it might help ease your uncertainty. Have you looked at the page on IBS on here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=ibs

Hope This Helps,

Take Care,


12-08-09, 17:11
hi, thanks for your quick reply.

i have read the page on ibs and found it helpful, i just didnt know it happened alot in young males.