View Full Version : auto pilot

03-10-05, 20:04
i dont know if this will sound strange or not.
but does anyone else feel like they are on auto pilot sometimes..its almost like you can do what you usually do work, school, surf the web. but then when you stop and look at yourself its almost youre not realising that you are doing all these things, kind of like forgetting them as you go. but in reality if you try to remember you can remember everything that has happened. it just feels very fuzzy when you try.

anyone else experiencing this? i have been for a couple of weeks now. anyone has any ideas?

03-10-05, 20:08
Hey Stan,

I know EXACTLY wat you mean. I feel like this especially when i'm very stressed. Have no ideas though, all i do is try to ignore it as much as i can, as the more i think about it the worse it is.

Sorry can't help more!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

03-10-05, 20:26
Hi Stan,

I can totally relate to this. Looking back I was on autopilot for about a year until I eventually crashed and burned. It was'nt until I stopped to to take a look what was going on with my life until I realised. Looking back at the last year seems impossible. It's as If I've forgotten where and what I have been doing the last year or so. Like you said " Very Fuzzy when you try".

As Tracy said I think the best think to do is not to think about it. I know to damn well where thinking too much can lead you.

04-10-05, 22:11
hi stan

i can totally relate to this as its been happening to me for over 2years now but mainly happens when im stressed or just come out of a panic attack, and the more i tried to remember what was doing the worse it gets

try and relax and not think about it 2much

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part