View Full Version : veins

30-07-09, 16:47
Does anyone ever feel like their veins are sore when they move?

I know that sounds very odd but like something is jarring in arms and fingers when you move that feels a little painfull, almost an ache?

I have it today and it is troubling me a lot........

thats two panics today could be worse



30-07-09, 17:56
Ive been getting something like that for a few years now, ,like for 2 seconds i would get this vein ache only on my forearm, its totally random and get it maybe once a week. Its weird but i just ignore it, nothing to be worried about i dont think. Hope this helps!

03-08-09, 15:46
Thanks Lucas

That sounds very much what I have been getting. It seems to have settled down a bit thankfully...until the next time

Thanks lots for your reply

Lisa xxxxxxxxx

03-08-09, 21:25
Sometimes my veins pop right out of my arms and i can really see them.

04-08-09, 13:45
Sometimes my veins pop right out of my arms and i can really see them.

COOL!!!, But only if it doesnt hurt though!!

Thanks for your reply marc, helping me to feel less os a freak!!

Thank you


04-08-09, 16:09
LOL no don't hurt :)

but i am quite skinny so maybe that is why i can see them sometime lol

no worries, take care :yesyes: