View Full Version : Cat Advise Please

21-07-09, 23:20
My other half has a cat who is 18/19 years old.She has been poorly for two weeks with a nasty green nose discharge,and its making her breathing bad.

She has had two different antibiotics and its not cleared it at all.The vet said the next thing is to put her under aneasthetic and xray her and use a camera.He has told us there is a huge risk of her going under at her age,and no guarantee she will come out of it.They think there maybe something else going on and she wont be able to be operated on because of her age.He has left us to take her home and decide what to do.:weep:

My partner is heart broken,we have decided the best thing for her is to put her to sleep,it would be cruel we think to put her through all that trauma at her age and best just to let her go peacfully.:weep:

We are doing the right thing arn't we.:unsure: :shrug:

21-07-09, 23:28
Aww I really feel for you as I have 2 cats.

She is doing well to live that long wow!

Do they think she is in pain?

I agree that putting her under would be too much for her.

If she is pain then you are doing the right thing to have her put to sleep but that is never an easy decision to take.

I really feel for you and just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you whatever you decide.

21-07-09, 23:35
Aw bless.. its so hard to decide these things, its never easy but yes i think your doing the right thing by letting her go peacefully and painfree instead of putting her through that trauma, and as you say at her age you dont know if she will come out the other end any better or if at all. Its so sad to loose a pet as theyre such a big part of the family arent they.
I hope everything goes ok hun.
Take care

22-07-09, 00:01
If she's not in pain can you not give it a bit longer to see if her nose gets better by itself? Is she still eating and drinking normally etc? They often go off their food when they have given up on life.

My thoughts are with you and good luck whatever you decide. It's an awful decision to have to make.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx :flowers:

Granny Primark
22-07-09, 10:00
I had a simialar decision to make about 10 years ago with my cat Tiddles.
She was 21.
In the end we decided to have her put to sleep. We felt that was the kindest thing to do even though we desperately wanted to keep her.
I really feel for you and your partner.
My thoughts are with you both.

22-07-09, 13:01
Thank you everyone.She is still eating,but she has trouble with her breathing as her nose is blocked with green gunge.My partner has been giving her salmon and she loves it.Its just her breathing,and there is nothing off her she is very very skinny and fragile bless her.At the moment we are taking it a day at a time.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-07-09, 17:10
Hey Yorky,

Oh gosh how that tugs at my heart strings. I have lost two cats and my present cat is now 10 1/2 years old. The pleasure they bring while they are with us is immeasurable but the sadness we feel when they have to go is unbearable.

All I can tell you is that when both of my previous cats died (one very traumatically and the other had been ill for 3 weeks and had to be put to sleep and was only 2 1/2 years old) I immediately went to the shelter and rescued another. That was the only way for me to cope with the loss, by focusing my energy onto another sole that needed a home.

Treasure all the good times and maybe your partner will be open to saving another life and bringing another personality into your home to make you both smile.

Take care and if you make the choice to end things peacefully I think you will be doing the right thing.

Natalie xx

22-07-09, 23:19
Thank you Natalie,he said he wont get another,but I think he will in time.I know what it was like when I lost my little dog.

Im sorry to hear about the loss of your cat's,but I do know what you mean about getting another.Its not a replacement,but Like you we have so much love to give and there are so many animals out there that need loving homes.xxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

23-07-09, 02:54
well I had a cat who had a nasty infection and nothing cleared it up.
I deeply regret not putting her down sooner. she was in pain and i really wish i had put her to sleep a few weeks earlier than i did.
but i was trying her on different antibiotics and well I didn't really know the antibiotics wouldnt work.
you made the right decision x x

23-07-09, 03:45
Let us know how she gets on. Thinking of you xxx

29-07-09, 13:48
Well Mo is no better and no worse.The discharge is green and going everywhere.My partner has decided to let them xray her and put her under to see whats going on.He feel's he cant put her to sleep without giving her a chance.
If they then find something that can not be treated they will let us know and wont bring her round from the aneasthetic.There is a huge chance she wont come through the aneasthetic,but he feel's he want's to give her a chance.

She is booked in for tomorrow morning.:hugs:

29-07-09, 15:34

I'm sure you're doing whats best for your cat. I dont think the vet would have said it was an option to operate if there wasnt a chance but they have to let you know of the risks.

I thnk you're better taking the chance than thinking 'what if'

Good luck, I'll be thinking of you :hugs:

29-07-09, 16:06
aw I hope it goes ok x we love our animals like there are our children :-)
I spend almost 1000 euro's on vet bills trying to help my cat.
money is no object when it come's to people/animals you love.

29-07-09, 16:23
Thank you,we have to try, it could be just something lodged in her nose it could be something nasty,but until they do the test we wont know.:hugs: Im just glad people here understand.:hugs:

29-07-09, 16:34

my heart goes out to you and your partner, it is hearbreaking to watch them ill, and then having to make one of the hardest descions you will ever have to make. i have had 4 cats, in my life 3 of them we had to put to sleep due to terminal illness, the first cat, had already had a tumour and had been operated on, but sadly it had reurned, and she was 13, the other two were 2 sisters , who had to be put to sleep within 3 weeks of each other, and they were only a year old when they died, there had been ill since they day i got them at 7 weeks, i had nursed them through a lot, and had spent hundreds in vets fees, but it wasnt enough., we lost the first one just before christmas time and her sister just into the new year, two little babies, i was heartbroken, but they were suffering. also a few months ago i supported my sister whose dog had to be put to sleep after a sudden illness. you always wonder if you are doing the right thing, but you always know when its time. , trust your instinct.

i will be thinking of you and the little cat. :hugs:

P x

30-07-09, 14:51
We took Mo for her tests,and the vet decided she was to fragile to go under the aneasthetic and the kindest thing for her is to go to sleep.She was sedated and then put to sleep this morning.
Its been a really terrible day today.
Thank you for all your kind word's and support.xxxxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs:

30-07-09, 15:28
Thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs at this sad time.

30-07-09, 17:10
Im sorry to hear about your loss. x

30-07-09, 17:56
I am so sorry to hear that hun!!
Thinking of you
Love Lisa


30-07-09, 18:04
i am so sorry to hear this sad news, you did everything you could for her, and she will know that. it is very hard on the humans she left behind, but she will always be around you, be in no doubt that you did the kindest thing for her.

i was given a little book when my poppy was gone, it was called, weep not for me, in memory of a beloved cat , by constance jenkins, which i found helpful in dealing with the grief, i also had email and phone contat with the blue cross, who were very very supportive, it might not be your thing, but just thought i would mention it.

i have cried a wee tear for little mo, and will be thinking of you and your partner, take care ,

Pauline x :hugs:

30-07-09, 18:18
Huge hugs from me :hugs:

30-07-09, 18:31
Apologies if it has been posted somewhere before but this is a poem my vet gave to me when one of my cats had to be put down a couple of years ago

If it Should Be..

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep
Then you must do what must be done
For this, the last battle, can't be won

You will be sad, I understand
Don't let your grief then stay your hand
For this day, more than the rest
Your love and friendship stand the test

We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears
You'd not want me to suffer so
When the time comes, please let me go

I know in time you will see
It is a kindness you do to me
Although my tail its last has waved
From pain and suffering I have been saved

Don't grieve it should be you
Who has to decided this thing to do
We've been so close, we two these years
Don't let your heart hold any tears


:hugs: for yorkylover

30-07-09, 19:28
Hi Jane,

Ok so that made me cry but what a lovely poem. I printed it out and will keep it just in case. My cat is 10 1/2 so hopefully she has a few more good years in her.

Yorky - sorry to hear about your sad loss, but like I said before, when you are both ready, maybe a new friend will bring joy to your lives.

Take care
Natalie x

30-07-09, 23:40
Thank you so much everybody,you are so kind.The poem was lovely,and yes I cried.Im going to show my partner tomorrow.Mo was his cat,and I think it will upset him to much at the moment to read that.

Thank you everyone again,and for understanding.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

31-07-09, 12:21
So sorry about your cat Yorky ,you did the right thing ,even tho its so very painful.Hugs to you both luv Sue:bighug1: :bighug1: xxxx

01-08-09, 04:41
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I have shed a little tear reading your posts as I know what it is like to lose a much loved pet.

You did the right thing for your dear little cat.

You are in my thoughts. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

01-08-09, 08:20
So very sorry, sleep tight little Kitty.

~ Rainbow Bridge ~

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been
especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends
so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine,
and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old
are restored to health and vigor; those who were
hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just
as we remember them in our dreams
of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content,
except for one small thing;
they each miss someone very special to them,
who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes
when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent;
His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group,
flying over the green grass,
his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your
special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous
reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face;
your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

02-08-09, 16:58
Today we went to the rspca and looked at some cats.I know its very soon,but my partner cant help but feel the house is so empty without Mo.

Out of 200 cats there were only 3 that could be homed with a dog!!!!!

Out of the 3 one seemed to stand out from the other 2, Rich fell for him right away and so did the cat love Rich.He is a tom called Maverick,we call him mavvy,he is black and white and beautiful.A year old.Rich had to take his mum up to see him as the rspca like to see all the family.We are happy to say he is reserved until they have had the home check.So hopefully he will be home with them soon.

The strange thing is he seemed to choose Rich if you know What I mean.And he is black and white like Mo was and his name begins with M.Could Mo have wispered a little word in Mavvy's ear do you think.:hugs:

02-08-09, 20:30
Ellen:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Im so sorry I seem to have missed this post:doh:

Sat here now in tears:weep:

Please give Rich all my best and Im so sorry to hear of your loss:weep:

Its so hard when we lose our pets isent it

Here if you need me and give the new one big hugs from me.......funny both names began with M.....always thought cats are psychic lol

Take care and hope Ollie and Buddy are ok too

Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-08-09, 23:21
Rich read these posts today and the poem,had him blubbering again,bless.He asked me to thank you all for your support and kind words and the poem was very touching.

Kazz both dogs are well thank you Im very pleased to say.Loved your lab in the photos.

Im quite down tonight,seeing all the cats up the rspca really upset me.They had over 200 and some were given up for silly reasons.Why do people do it!!!!
Im glad we were able to rescue one.:hugs:

03-08-09, 07:39
What a lovely to tribute to Mo, that your partner is giving another unwanted cat a good home, she was such a good companion and friend and her stay with him was so happy, he can open his heart up and welcome in Maverick, and yes i think Maverick probably did choose Rich. these felines are quite quite smart you know. LOL.

I got my dog from the spca and i still take blankets and newspapers and stuff into them , and it angers and upsets me too, they are a lot of stupid selfish people in this world, who dont care what they do to others or their animals, , its just all about them... anyway off my soap box...

i hope the mavvys adoption goes through soon and he can settle into his forever home, and in celebration of Mo i will type the wee poem of the book i was refering to in my previous post, as i think it captures the joy that Mo brought to Rich, and how he he can now open his heart to a wee homeless cat.

Weep not for me, in memory of a beloved cat, by constance jenkins

Weep not for me though i am gone
into that gentle night
Grieve if you will , but not for long,
upon my souls's sweet flight.

I am at peace, my soul's at rest,
there is no need for tears,
for with your love i was so blessed , for all those many years
there is no pain, i suffer not
the fear now all is gone
put now these things out of your thoughts
in your memory i live on

remember not my fight for breath
remember not the strife
please do not dwell upon my death,
but celebrate my life...

( in loving memory of Isolde, beloved companion of mary jenkins)

just typing this made me cry as i thought of my wee cat poppy, miss you pops...

anyway blubbering over, good luck with mavvy, he already sounds a character...

Pauline x

03-08-09, 13:39
Thank you you Pauline.Iv just stopped blubbering over the poem.That is so sweet.Rich is looking forward to hearing back from the rspca (the ark) its called here.xxxxxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs:

04-08-09, 17:03
Mo came home today.She has a beautiful carved box with her name on.
Richard is glad to have her back home.:hugs:

Still waiting on a home check from the rspca,they dont seem to be in much of a hurry,and yet they cry out for homes for these poor animals.

04-08-09, 19:44
Glad that rich is finding comfort in having Mo home, when my sisters dog sparky died recently she brought him home too, and it provided a lot of comfort to her, that he was ' home', and the first time my dog was in her house since he had died he headed straight for his box, his presence is still aroun,. as is Mo's,

Hope its not too long before they come out and do the home vist, let us now how it goes. x

Pauline x :hugs:

04-08-09, 22:49
Thanks Pauline.Rich told me tonight since she came home its like a sense of relief.he is keeping the box at home to.:hugs:

10-08-09, 23:16
Rich had the home check today and it went ok.It was rather stupid really he has waited over a week for the home check,the only 1 person they got to do it was on holiday,she turned up today never looked round nothing just asked if he had a cat before,and that was it.So what was he waiting for exactly.
He collects Mavvy tomorrow and hopefully he will settle into his new home.

10-08-09, 23:29
Hi Yorky,

See I told you in my previous the post the best therapy is to go and rescue another one. I know you said your partner wasn't ready but I am sure the new cat will bring much joy and happiness to your home.

I completely understand that he felt like the home was empty without a cat around and like I said before the best therapy for us was to rescue another lovely animal.

I'm so happy that you both found it in you to save another life from the shelter. What a great life your new "baby" is going to have with you guys.

Best wishes to you all. Take care.
Natalie x

11-08-09, 13:00
Thanks Natalie.I don't actually live with Rich,but yes mavvy will have a fantastic home with lots of love.We are actually going in about half an hour to collect him.:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I think im just as excited as Rich and he isnt my cat.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

11-08-09, 16:34
God what a bloody hassle.Gets all the way up there and they say he can't go for couple of days as he has to have a health check!!!!!!!Rich was not happy and we told them the kennel worker said we could have had him last Monday!

Well after having a moan ect they phoned through and he managed to have a health check at 2.00 and we picked him up at 3:yahoo:
Rich has taken him home and I shall find out later how he is settling in.
Thanks from both of us for all the support.

He still misses little Mo:hugs:

11-08-09, 16:45
Hi yorkie

Of course he still misses little Mo x,having mavvy around will help ease the pain a little.
It sounds like a real hassle trying to get mavvy to take him home, but the main thing is, he is now in his new forever home, which i am in no doubt he will love to bits, as i write, he will probably be making himself right at home.... lol
keep us up to date on his progress of settling in.

take care

Paulinex :hugs:

11-08-09, 16:57
What a lovely ending to a sad story:weep:

Congratulations Ellen and Rich:yesyes:

I hope Mavvy is settling in well and Im sure Mo is in pussy heaven purring with approval:hugs:

Take care

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-08-09, 23:12
Mavrick has made himself right at home,I can't believe how quickley he settled.He took to the dog right away,no problems there at all.He loves having alot of fuss,being picked up the lot.Stretched out on the carpet as soon as he got in the house bless him.He is a very chilled out cat.

Rich is really happy again,they seem to love each other and need each other,which I think is great.I think Mo helped Rich pick the right cat.:hugs:

Mav got very excited when he found out they had 2 birds,got to get him out of that habit!!!!!:ohmy:

So so far its all going well.:yahoo:

12-08-09, 05:04
hi yorkie

that is great news, long may it continue :)

what colour is mavvy? trying to get a picture in my head of the wee reascal.

P x

12-08-09, 13:54
He is black and white,and its funny he has these two white marks in his black coat,looks like he has brushed up against white paint.

Rich said he was up throught he night,Mav had an hours kip then got up and wanted to play,he is also very very verbal so you can't ignore him.:hugs:

12-08-09, 22:06
thx yorkie ,Im getting a picture of him now, hopefully he might sleep when hes supposed too tonight, lol,
take care

P x

29-08-09, 16:56
Need some advise please.Partner has had Mavvy a few weeks now.He has been taking him out on the lead around the garden,and yesterday without a lead for a while.Well its time to let him out on his own and Partner is worried sick that Mavvy wont come back.

We are on holiday next week and Mavvy is home with partners mum,so we thought it best to let him out when we come back.Does anyone have any advice on letting him out on his own first time.Maybe someone here has had older cats,or rescue cats that can offer us some advise

We worry he wont come home:ohmy: he has been neutered.

29-08-09, 17:44
Whenever I've had a new cat i've just kept it in for a week then letting it out for short periods, building up gradually to coming and going as it pleases.

By the time you get back it will be several weeks and by then the cat should realise home is where the food is (they aint daft!) and come back no problem.

Oh, I've also heard an old wives tale about putting butter on their feet. Not sure if this does anything other than giving you a cat with buttery feet and messy floors though lol

Have a nice holiday btw :)

29-08-09, 22:42
Thank you Sue.xx:hugs:

31-08-09, 02:49
My rescue cat (he was five when we got him) escaped (thanks to children leaving door open) after just a few days and came straight home when I got back from work ad called him, so fingers crossed you shouldn't have any probs, yorkylover

01-09-09, 14:59
Well Mavvy went out yesterday on his own,when partner called him in he started spitting.Eventually got him in.Today is his first proper day out,went out first thing, he popped home once gone out again.He has had a bit of a to do with a cat in the close.Mind you he is the new kid on the block!!!!

Hopefully he will come home tea time,will see when partner gets home form work and he can let me know.xxx:hugs:

01-09-09, 15:18
Hi yorkylover

Glad mavvy seems to be finding his feet, had a wee chuckle about being the new kid on the block.
Fingers crossed all will be well this evening

P x