View Full Version : Back again

16-07-09, 19:18
I'm back again - just when you think you've beaten it - wham!!! it bites you on the bum again.!!!!
I was feeling fine this morning so I thought I better do some clearing up in the garden ( I have a week off work and its rained every day!!).
Anyway, after a couple of hours of hard work, sweat dripping off me - I sat down for a drink. I went to get up again and nearly fell over, dizzy, weak etc etc. I panicked ( as you do!! and then felt 100 times worse! stupid anxiety).
Needless to say, I did'nt do any more, but I hav'nt felt right since. I feel sick, muzzy head and very weak.
I know I'm getting old!!!! (50ish!) but this is really worrying me. My fist though is - weak heart.
Anyone got any words of wisdom, reassurance, anything???
I just feel I cant go though this again. I go for week feeling quite normal and then something else hits me.

16-07-09, 19:21

You are NOT old hun!! :hugs:

Could it be anything to do with the menopause as the symptoms seems very similar?

Love Lisa

16-07-09, 19:22

Sounds to me like you overdid it in the garden.

Had you eaten enough and drank enough water?

16-07-09, 19:31
Hi both
My logical mind tells me all the above - yes Lisa, could be menapause and no nic, I had'nt eaten, but had been drinking loads. Could have been low blood sugar.
I just feel so crap - like I'm on the verge of a major panic attack. I hate this feeling.
Thanks both for replying so quick xx

17-07-09, 09:36
I think you have just overdone things a bit in the garden and I presume it was very hot while you were gardening. I have been doing the same thing this last week and at times have felt completely exhausted and heady, plus as the other girls say that you are menopausal which gives you all sorts of funny heads. I am in my 60's now so have the tea shirt and my head used to cause me all sorts of anxieties. Do some deep breathing and try and relax a little. I am sure you just need to chill a little. Bet the garden looks nice!