View Full Version : hello from sunny brighton!

15-07-09, 03:05
i am a single mum of 2 children, living in Brighton in Sussex, i have had anxiety, panic attacks and depression on and off since i hit my teens.

i have had counselling,psycotherapy, taken every anti depressant on the market lol! and find the best way to deal with myself is by taking 5htp and megnesium and b vitamins.

at the moment we are waiting to be re housed, and i find myself actually hitting a 'good' period of happiness, something i havent felt for a very long time....i was a daily drinker of between one to two bottles of wine a day and gave up 9 days ago, ( which has been much easier than i thought after 10 years).

i came to this group today as i was laying in bed when an age old problem recurred that i havent had for about 4 years, and i feel the need to share it in the hope that others may have felt the same.

i have this over whelming fear that i will die and there will be nothing, i am a strong believer in spirituality, to the point where this fear makes no sense at all......as i lay in bed trying to sleep, it is like a darkness fills my head and tells me to doubt that this is real, that life is real, and that one day i will be gone and will have been here for nothing....im sure that sounds very bizarre....and logically i do feel its just my anxiety trying to take over as i feel quite happy at the moment, ( apart from worrying about swine flu, as it has hit Brighton now), but i am wondering if anyone has any good coping mechanisms for this part?, when it overtakes me, i cry uncontrolably as if i am in some way already mourning for something that isnt even real....my heart begins to race, and i feel the welling of an anxiety attack, i can stop it if i get up, and go on the computer/watch tele etc, but then i have the fear it will return when i lay down again.....

i have learnt over the last 30 years how to get myself through many aspects of my anxieties etc, but this one completly over powers me....i have had counselling in the past for it, tried medication and it always ends up returning........any ideas would be greatfully recieved


15-07-09, 04:49
i had a panic attack when i see the price of fish and chips in brighton lol
your get loads of help here your love it i do

15-07-09, 08:34
hi fran, you will find this site helpful and supporting. just knowing others are going through the same is a great comfort i think. i to havent quite managed to "cope" as such with anxiety, i can usually manage to overcome it, but theres always that 1 time it leads on to a big attack!! i completely understand, take care debs xx

Veronica H
15-07-09, 09:15
:welcome: Fran. Glad that you have found us.


15-07-09, 13:30
thank you for your warm welcomes everyone, glad i found this site, feel i can at last say things without looking totally crazy !!!

fran x

15-07-09, 15:56
Hi there from 'rainy NI'

I have found Dr Claire Weekes (Free download from NMP shop) to be great to listen to/calm down. I also think affirmations (tapped into chest - I am a good person, I am a worthy person, I love myself... this depression is lifting...I choose to enjoy life...) do a lot of good plus every time I pass a mirror I say Good morning/afternoon/evening Chantelle, it's great to be alive!!!

Good luck and take care - there is light at the end of the tunnel...


pink daisy
15-07-09, 17:42
Hi Fran :-)

My sister lives in Brighton well just outside it peacehaven Im sure you know it
please to meet you and Im sure you are on the road to recovery hun xx

kate xx

15-07-09, 19:53
thankyou both for the replies...will look up dr weekes ty chantelle, and yes i know peacehaven, we sometimes go for lunch there , hope everyone is well and had lovely days,

Fran x