View Full Version : Hi Everyone, I'm Dawn

05-07-09, 21:31
Hormones I started having panic attacks 7 years ago when my youngest son was 5 months old, the doctors put it down to postnatal depression. I was put on Seroxat and then changed to Cipralex.
I have good months and then a few bad days, but lately I find my panics/anxiety are worse when my periods are due and they have been a lot worse lately and wondered if anyone else suffers like this and could recommend anything that I can do to make life easier. I worry that things will be worse when my hormones are changing due to the menopause.
Would love to hear from anyone who can offer support and advise.

05-07-09, 22:27
Hi Dawn

Firstly, welcome, i am sure that you will find this a good site, for support, advice and reassurance. :)

My anxiety went through the roof when i had my son 17 years ago, and was also diagnosed with PND, and i also found things much worse when my period was due.along with antidepressants i was given progesterone, pessary or suppositries i cant remember which , but they seemed to help from what i can remember.
I dont know how old you are dawn but i really do worry about how i will cope at the menopause with all the delights that go with that, i am only in my early 40s and for the past 6 months have been having a little bit of trouble with my period. to be honest i am really dreading it, i think i have had more than my fair share of mood swings, depression, anxiety , palpatations etc, to last a lifetime, but who knows, i suppose i try not to dwell on it too much , my worrying about it isnt going to change anything, i will just have to deal with it, if and when it comes along.

i dont want to hijack your post, but perhaps i could benefit too from any advice, tips anyone else can share on the subject...

Best wishes

Pauline x :flowers:

06-07-09, 08:22
Thanks Pauline, hopefully we can both get some advice, tips to share with anyone else suffering with hormones, by the way I am 45, Dawn