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Funky Mum
22-06-09, 20:26
My name is Karen, mum to 4 and I live in Somerset.
I think I have health anxiety, not officially been told, but from reading that's what it seems like.
A few weeks ago I had a funny episode - out of the blue (well I was thinking about some sad stuff) and my heart started racing and I felt like I was going to pass out. Scary doesn't come close!
We thought it was my meds (inhaler and thyroxine) but I had another one a week later after a bit of stressful conversation with OH.
Since then I've been getting such horrible feelings inside, like I'm going to collapse, that something is wrong with me/going to happen to me. I get palpatations too (and have already found the fantastic explanation here by Meg :yesyes: )
I'm having a 24 hour monitor tomorrow so I'm hoping that when (if) they say I'm fine then the worry will ease.
Evenings are my worse time when the kids are in bed and its quiet and my mind starts whirring.
I have Lorazepam to take when needed and I'm trying deep breathing and anything to occupy my mind. The dr said I could have beta blockers once my heart thing is done and ok.
Anyway sorry its long, I do like to chat :winks:

Funky Mum
22-06-09, 21:25
Thanks Tetley! Is there an organised time or just as and when?