View Full Version : Feelings after anxiety attack

10-06-09, 09:43
Hi All

I suffered from an anxiety attack sunday afternoon i get them quite often but havnt had one this bad since about february.
The rest of the day i felt spaced out and then very tence in my face and legs.
The following day i was very low and anxious and then yesterday nervous in my tummy all day and didnt know what do do with myself.
Today i just feel low but some of the symptoms have eased.
The question is does anyone else get this or do u get an anxiety/ panic attack and then after an hour or so it goes away? mine seem to linger for at least a week and i dont feel normal again for while

Would really appreciate a reply



10-06-09, 10:17
Your not alone on this one.I always feel bad after.The last bad one I had took 5days to get over.Ialways feel drained and tired.Ive found keeping active helps ,funnily enough. Sue:hugs:

10-06-09, 10:20
after an attack do you feel dizzy and spaced out your n:yesyes: ot alone

Lion King
10-06-09, 10:27
hope you are feeling better, anxiety can be crippling at times, I am up and down but I find I have to put the anx behind me no matter what the situation otherwise I don't move on. Keep relaxed and be positive!!

10-06-09, 10:42
lion king do you ever get dizzy dont know how to send mess to you:winks:

10-06-09, 10:51
i get dizzy too

thanks for that suzy-sue i feel better knowing im not alone - im meant to be going on a hen night sat night and cant bear to think about it at the moment they way i feel!


Lion King
10-06-09, 16:45
Hi gypsywoman,

I don't suffer from dizziness, the only time I have had this is when I took trazadone for a short period. My partner suffers from dizziness, she doesn't control her breathing properly when she is feeling anxious, she holds her breath and tenses up, plus she goes long periods without eating. She looks after our son, so she tends to put him first before herself which isn't very good for her own health. She is starting to improve her diet, but still needs to address the stress as this is a major culprit that ignites her anxiety. With talking, this is starting to get better, but we shall see!

Lion King

10-06-09, 19:08
Hi there,

As it's been said already in this thread, you are not alone.

I too had a mild panic/anxiety attack on Sunday night. This meant that I could not sleep and so I got anxious about that too !

For the next few days I will be suffereing with a constant tension headache, probably butterflies in the stomach and also, rather strangely, the feeling that my legs are going to cramp up !! What a weirdo :)

Anyway, take care and don't let those pesky anxiety symptoms get you down.
I always try to think of them as being like a cold....... they'll go away in a few days and you wont even remember them !
