View Full Version : Panicking again

03-09-05, 17:37
Hey all,

Long Time no see, Sorry i havent been for a while. Jus been busy i guess.

In the last 2 or 3 months, i keep having these really short panic attacks. Before this, i hadnt panicked for quite a while. jus usually anxious some of the time. But although im familiar with panicking, i got out the habit and forgot wha it was like. But in the last 2 or 3 weeks, I have panics tht last about 4minutes. maybe not even that. It keeps me anxious after though. But as a result. im losing weight. although i havent lost masses iv lost nearly a stone! im so scared of being underweight. but every time i eat i freak out, and think im guna b sick if i eat (but this is only in the evening) although i eat alot during the day. and its all crap food! like chocolate n crisps, sandwiches, although i do eat my share of fruit n vegies.

Going out for a drive used to calm me down when i was nervous or panicky, and it does settle me,,,until i get in and go to bed! Iv got so scared that, i keep my door open, keep my light and my tv on. write in my diary, txt my boyfriend at any time of the night. jus to calm me down! and i jus cnt do it. and i cnt seem to find a way of getting over it. I have done before, but i dnt kno how and i jus wish i could b like i was a few months ago or even 'normal'.

I missed out on so much education this yr, as well as the 2 yrs before and now in 3days im goin to b yr11 and doing my GCSE's i really need to work so hard at gettin myself bk to school if nothing else. I keep wondering if im worried about going bk to school and if thats the reason im starting to get panciky again. because i do have a fear of school, I keep sayin to myself that its my last yr and tht im not even there for as long as every other yr. but talking myself to calm doesnt seem to work for me anymore.

Im currently having treatment by a woman called Pippa Bondy. Which she used the 'Alexander Technique' On me. but it only seems to b working a little bit. The Alexander Technique is a way to put your body in a relaxed position. Its hard to explain but im sure theres info on google or something.

Im sorry to bore u all with whats been going on, its jus im feeling so bad and im slowly getting depressed and want to cry all the time. especially at nyt or when im on my own.

Thanks for reading Rachel x

03-09-05, 17:57
hi Rachel,

About your eating, eating a lot of junk food can really contribute to your anxiety. If I eat exceptionally healthy food for a few days, I can really feel the difference. Try to cut out as much of the junk food as possible and eat more grains, nuts, fruit and veg.

I also have problems when it's time to go to bed at night. I always make sure that the door isn't fully closed and I always have to be doing something like watching tv or reading. This is fairly common.

It very well could be that you are experiencing anticipatory anxiety about going back to school. If this is the case, then chances are that once you go back, you will settle into a routine and feel much better about things. Waiting around for something to happen is always the worst bit.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 22:08
Hey ratchit. I understand a lot of what you said there. Im only 19 myself. I started with panic attacks when I was in year 11, although at the time i didnt realise what they were. Also similarly I struggle to eat for fear I'l be sick and i find night times the hardest. I used to rely on txting my bf in the night because I believed that was the only way i would 'survive'. My therapist taught me however that this wasn't such a bright spark idea and becoming dependant on someone isn't the way forward. So now i have one txt message written by myself saved, it's a comforting message that everytime i get scared in the night i have to read. Sometimes it helps to have something to read as it seems to make it more factual than telling yourself to calm down.
Also Sarah is right about diet. I'm very much so underweight (im 5ft9 and only 7stone.) the only food i eat is junk but i am fully aware that i can see noticeable differences when i eat well. I've particularly noticed that drinking Coke is really bad for me. It seems to give me a rush that my body mistakes for anxiety and often sends me into a panic attack.
I hope all of that makes sense and i havent just rambled!
Lauren x

04-09-05, 14:50
Thank you guys. i really appreciate u sayin all this. I knoq i need to eat alot of healthy foods but unhealthy food is soooo addictive lol. I suppose it is the anticipation of going bk to school. Its weird how something so normal and simple cn make u scared!i will eat less junk food. cheers guys xxxxxxxx

Rachel x

04-09-05, 16:54
Hi Rachel

It is hard going back to school i always remember dreading the end of the holidays, my daughter who is 10 is like that now, so it is quite normal to feel anxious, its just that us worriers tend to make it a lot worse than it actually turns out to be.

Hope it goes well and opt for the salad a dinner time LOL

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

04-09-05, 17:29
Rachel ,

Yes it is probably school. I expect there are many children up and down the country also worrying about it . Some may be anxious, some may be angry but you're all dreading it..

Let us know how you're doing

Loz **Coke is really bad for me. It seems to give me a rush that my body mistakes for anxiety and often sends me into a panic attack.** Caffiene mainly plus if its original coke the sugar rush can hit you too.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?