View Full Version : my story of anxiety

08-06-09, 09:09

i would first like to say it was nice to meet nic at the no panic conference . this web site was my life line about two years ago without it and the many people i met on here and chatted to in the chat room i would not be where i am today so if anyone remembers me a big thank you to you all :hugs:

i was spiralled into severe anxiety two years ago and had most if not all of the symptoms possible psysical and psychological symptoms my whole family suffered and to there credit they were brilliant i had the local crisis team involved which in hindsight did no good at all and as a consequence i am very wary of so called professionals .

i dont want to bore you with the details but just to say that i know a lot of people fear they will not recover i want to say YES YOU CAN if i can recover from the pits of despair anyone can please feel free to PM message me if you want to know more about my experience and i will be glad to help in any way i can

sammie xxx

laura jane
08-06-09, 10:06
everytime i click into chatroom it makes my computer go funny cant get on there xxxx plz help