View Full Version : Lost in Panic today and need some help

06-06-09, 16:36
I am in a state of high anxiety and my mind is causing the greatest problems really want to relax but finding it hard please help

Lion King
06-06-09, 18:36
I know this may be a bit late, but when my anxiety was at its highest I just had to escape the situation, my anxiety stayed with me a while afterwards and settled down quite a while afterwards, but at that point I knew I needed to see a doctor as couldn't continue in this way, the mind makes the situation bigger than what it should be, filling your head full of messages until your mind cannot process anymore and you feel like you are going slightly mad, the mind as well as the the body needs time for recovery, this for me was acheived by a good period of relaxation and a slow introduction back into anxiety provoking situations, each experience lessened the anx and the more you stay in them you can begin to regain your confidence!

Good Luck I hope you are feeling better!!

Lion King

07-06-09, 03:00
Hi Chris....

I know this is easier said than done but you should try and relax and think of positive calming things..find something to distract you, I often rely heavily on a yo-yo and my daughters nintendo DS...I either pace around my house palying with the yo-yo or get heavily involved in a game of tetris...

also I have watched the movie "The Holiday" 67 times in the last 6 weeks:blush: ...I am driving every one in my house crazy with it but it seems to be something that I like and eases my panic.

In my opinion whatever works then do it.. I know how awful the fears that panic and anxiety bring are..

Hope you are feeling better :hugs: